Chapter 1.

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Dedicated to:ChinaChinaChina

Before continuing, keep in mind that this is Book Two of The One Night Stand Series.

If you haven't read "The One Night Stand" first then this book will most likely confuse you.

If you've already done that then I present to you,

The Morning After

•One Year Later•


It's so hard to believe how much had changed in one year.

I got a new job modeling that I had began to love.

I left New Orleans because there were just too many bad memories in New Orleans and I needed a fresh start.

The number one being him.

I couldn't even say his name without getting upset all over again.

But back to my new life.

I left my old life behind along with my family and what little friends I did have.

I kept in contact with my father, but he was about the only person I communicated with back home besides Chris, my brother-in-law.

Before I left, I went to the doctor's office to make sure everything was okay after I miscarried.


I stared at Dr. Daniels in disbelief.

"A-are you sure?"

This had to be a joke.

A sick, twisted joke.

He shook his head and slid the primary ultrasound across the desk.

I leaned away from it, afraid to even be close to it or I'd emotionally break completely.

I had just started to heal after losing my baby and now I had to relive those memories.

"This is your very first ultrasound. The day it was made was very...interesting." A smirk tugged at his lips, as if he was reminiscing about beating August's ass, before he looked back at me. "But there was something truly miraculous that my staff missed."

He grabbed a marker from his pocket and circled two spots on the picture.

I squinted down at the two circles and gasped.

One of the circles was almost completely hidden by the other.


This can't be right.

"I don't believe this." I said quietly then looked up at him. "This is really not funny."

"I assure you this isn't a joke Ms. Stanton." He stood. "If you'll follow me, I can prove it to you."

I shook my head but got up to follow him anyway.

There was no way I could still be...

It's just wasn't possible.

He opened the door to the examination room and gestured toward the examination table but I didn't move to sit.

"You can't force me to go through this again just to prove this lie you've somehow created." I glared at him. "I'm healing from the loss of two of the most important people in my life and you spring this bullshit on me? I've already had a knife stabbed into me by one man and you're trying to twist it deeper."

He waited for me to calm down before speaking.

"I don't appreciate being called a liar but I swear to you, this is reality. I'm not forcing you to do anything. I'm asking you to let me do my job as a medical professional and assure my patient or patients are completely healthy. Now please, take a seat and raise your shirt."

I sighed; he was right.

He was only trying to do his job.

I apologized and sat on the examination table.

The paper crinkled under me loudly.

I lifted my shirt over my bulging stomach.

That's the real reason I came here, to find out how long my stomach was supposed to be swollen after a miscarriage.

And now this...

He slid on gloves after washing his hands and turned on the machine.

I knew he wouldn't find anything.

There was no longer anything to find.

He grabbed the bottle of gel and I stared straight ahead as he applied it to my stomach.

A shiver ran through my body though I thought I knew how it'd feel.

"Ready?" He turned to me with the wand in his hand.

"Just get it over with so I can leave please."

The sooner he's proven wrong, the sooner I can attempt to leave all this behind.

"Well since you asked so nicely." I saw him smile out of the corner of my eye.

He started running the wand back and forth over my belly and something fluttered inside of me.


Hope that I'm completely wrong and there is something so I won't be completely alone in the world?

Or hope that there's nothing there so I can move on.

He frowned and stared at the fuzzy screen.

"Impossible..."He mumbled.

I realized there was no sound.

No heartbeat, no visual on the monitor.

I was right.

There's nothing-...

What was that?

I listened harder and heard it again.

It's...a thumping?

Dr. Daniels smiled at the screen and I gave him a confused look before turning to look at it.

Something's moving.

It's actually moving.

"It's a miracle." He whispered.

I can't believe this.

I guess my guardian angel was watching over me.

My eyes filled with tears and I heard that sound again.

"What's that sound?" I asked him unable to take my eyes off of the screen.

It's a baby.

It's my baby.

He turned to me and his smile widened.

"That's her heartbeat."

•Flashback Over•

I sniffed and wiped under my eyes.

I constantly relived that moment and just thank God for giving me a second chance at motherhood.

I couldn't believe I was pregnant with twins and didn't know it.

How could the hospital not have told me the day I lost my son that I was still pregnant?

Of course, it doesn't matter now though.

As long as I had my little Angel with me, I would be fine.

I smiled as I heard cries coming from down the hall.

She was awake.

Tell me what you think!

There's so many more secrets to be revealed.

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