Chapter 53.

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"I just don't understand why you have an issue with this." I sighed, giving August a look.

"Because B, there are just certain things you don't do. This is one of those things."

"Explain to me how going to the police about my uncle harassing me is the wrong thing to do."

I crossed my arms over my chest.

"The best way I can explain it is, "He pressed his palms flat together as if he were praying, "if you want the best  and most permanent  results, you shouldn't involve the police again. You tried that shit before and that motherfucker got free after a few years. Let nature take its course. Trust me."

"Trust you." I scoffed. "August you just told me you plan to kill my uncle and expected me to be okay with it. That's insane."

He shrugged in response.

Wow. And to think I thought I knew August after all these years just to see he's so heartless.

"I can not believe this." I shook my head at him slowly. "What happened to you?"

"Honestly?" He raised an eyebrow. "I been in the street shit B, like most of my family has my whole life. It's what got most of them killed. You are what happened to me to get me outta all that shit. You never even knew the half of all the shit I did growing up, but the girl you were then - and the woman you are now- you saved me B. I say all that to say, you gotta let me handle this shit with your uncle. It was never my intent for you to even find out about it, but here we are. I'm being as honest as I can."

"And I appreciate the honesty, but it's also about ethics and principle. This is completely the wrong thing to do August."

He stared me straight in the eye.

"It's either I kill him now my own way, or I kill him when he tries to fuck with you again, which I'd be dumb to let happen again."

I gasped, standing to my feet.

"I-" I moved towards the door. "I need some air. I can't-"

I stumbled my way from August' room back into my own. 

"What's wrong?" Nathan asked as soon as he looked me over.

"Did...are you and August plotting to kill my uncle?"

His head snapped back in shock.


All the confirmation I needed.

The fact that Nathan was in on this too just made the situation even worse.

Two of the most important men in my life, secretly cold-blooded killers.

I stepped quickly into the bathroom and shut and locked the door behind me.


"Just give me a minute, please." 

I placed both my hands flat on the sink counter and exhaled heavily.

This was not how I expected the day to go.

I cut the faucet on and wet my hands with the cool water, rubbing them over my face.

I took a few minutes to attempt to absorb the information I had learned, before reentering the room.

Nathan gave me a guilty look.


A knock sounded and I immediately yanked the door open to let August in.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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