Girls go for toxic bois?

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Sup humans its me feint (cool mf only if i could say that but not a saddo too ._. ).Ppl say girls go for toxic boys who r rude to them and dump sweet & decent guys welp thats not some extent.Umm...every girl is different in her own way and so r their choices and likes dislikes. 'kay ik that most of them like toxic bois this is bcuz these guys challenge their girl ego like woww why is he talkin to me like can he be rude to me...why he does not act like other guys who r sweet to me and blah blah. This is the case of most of the girls but they also want that the guy should act sweet to them and rude to others, they want that sweet caring treatment and thats the fact. So there r girls who like sweet, caring decent guys who treat them like princess and all that shit :/ ...idk why girls choose those toxic guys who treat them like shit i mean man wot ya tryna offence but then u act like a fucking wimp and expresso depresso....SOO i wanna give a conclusion to this question that NO...not all girls go for toxic bois :D

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