Her moody mood swings :/

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haha!! girls and their mood swings...damnn. Bro y'all know that its bcuz of hormonal changes and all that. U guys do face problems to tolerate those very moody mood swings sometimes and sometimes it creates alot of problems...all i can say is u need to understand her. She might be dramatic but if she shows all her tantrums on u then she loves u bro cuz these r not for any random dude. If shes angry, just try to talk to her politely instead of bursting on her. If she cries try to comfort her..its not like u always have to be logical cuz broo shes not testing ur brain over here shes just being her infront of u. If she comes to u to talk, just feel the way shes feeling instead of giving her those BS solutions. She might also come up with those silly questions of her being a caterpillar or a bug lol...it is annoying ikik but to get out of that situation bro just fking give her what she wants to hear. It does irritate the person but try to understand cuz everyone is not same right just feel fking lucky cuz u r that one special mf for her :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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