chapter 1

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It was a cold November morning when we got that call of a suspected rape at a warehouse, it wasn't a call that we expected to hear that particular morning but we knew we had to catch the basterds who were involved,

"Lindsay, we gotta move out now they said they think it's a kid who was the victim." Jay said as he grabbed his jacket, that made me even more angry when he said it was possibly a kid, no kid should have to go through something that horrific.

"Alright now they said that there are multiple offenders with stacked up weaponry, we approach diligently and quickly, you do not let any of them get away you hear me." Hank said over the radio.

"Copy that sarge." I heard Atwater say.

I drove that car like a motherfucker to that warehouse, I wasn't gonna let anyone of those sick basterds get away, you would think after being a cop for so long you would get used to cases like this but you never do, especially when it involves children, it just makes it harder every time as things like this shouldn't happen so much.

"Alright erin and kim you take the back Antonio and Jay you take the left side and olinski ruzek and Atwater you take the front, we're going in with everything we got, theres a young girl in there waiting to be rescued." Hank said as we made our way to the warehouse.

We got our guns ready and in no time we stormed the place, the moment I ran into that place I was met with the horrific sight of a teenage girl hanging from the celing by chains wrapped around her arms, she was badly beaten and the only thing she had left on were her undergarments and as I watched her hang there I could only feel guilt and pity for her, the team had taken down all the offenders and I was left with the task of getting her down from there. I found the chain that was tied to the wall and I slowly let her down from there, I watched her eyes jolt open in fear and she started yelling and squirming as she made contact with the floor.

"Its alright sweetie your ok now, they're not coming back." I said as I tried getting her to calm down.

"Please everything hurts!" She cried out frantically.

"Its alright an ambulance is on the way now, what's your name honey?" I asked trying to distract her.

"Sam." She said still panting like a dog.

"Alright sam I'm detective lindsay, do you have any parents we can contact so we can tell them we found you?" I asked holding onto her hand.

"No please don't call my mom she will make my life hell please!" She said suddenly jolting up from the ground.

"Ok ok we won't call her, sweetie you just have to calm down though alright, can you breath for me honey?" I asked her, she lept up in an instant and wrapped her arms around me for dear life, I was surprised at first but I embraced her back, it made me wonder what type of horrific things that girl saw.

"Please don't make me go back." She said quietly.

"Just breath sweetheart." I said calmly, I felt her relax in my arms but it got quickly interrupted by the sound or ambulance sirens pulling up.

"Alright lindsay what do we got?" Gabby asked as her and Brett came to us with a gurny.

"Our rape victim, she looks like she was beaten to a pulp so she probably has some busted up ribs." I said.

"Alright honey we're gonna get you to Med alright, what's your name." Gabby asked as she rolled the gurny back to the ambo.

"S..Sam." she answered.

"Alright Sam we're gonna take care of you ok." Brett said.

I felt Sam grab onto my arm suddenly just as they were about to transport her.

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