Chapter 13

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This chapter is just a chapter on what people think about Cam trying to ask her out again and thoughts on her coming home.

Cam's POV

It's been a few weeks since Katelynn and I broke up. I'm a total wreck. The only thing I ever hear about her is from the guys and there girlfriends. I've been talking with everyone a lot lately and Katelynn is coming back tomorrow. I told everyone what actually happened 2 weeks after Magcon. They all agreed to help me get her back. Matt thinks that it's going to take more time then what I think but if I tell her the truth she ought to believe me. My plan will go into action a week from tomorrow.

Diane's POV

Katelynn is coming back tomorrow! I'm so excited. Her brother and I have been dating for a while now and it was so heart breaking when Cam and her broke up. I just want things to be back to the way it was before. I'm so lucky to have friends that are here for me and right now Katelynn needs friends here for her. Hopefully Cameron's plan works out the way we all want it to.

Matt's POV

It's true I sent my sister away so she'd stop moping around. I know Cam's plan isn't going to work but he thinks it will. I just don't want to see any of my friends and family going through all this pain. When I see the people I love being crushed it crushes me but I rather see a friend being crushed over my little sister. Why am I always picking up the pieces? Diane and the girls are going to pick Katelynn up at the airport tomorrow while the guys and I decorate for a welcome home party. Oh yeah I forgot to mention we are all having a mini reunion. Except we won't see Cameron for a week.

Andrea's POV

I so can't wait to see all the girls. Shawny and I are so excited. I've been packed since the beginning of the week. Did I mention I even pack Shawn's bags the same day? I find it so sweet that Cameron is trying to make it up to her. I just can't wait. I am mentally dancing. I am so lucky to have such understanding parents.

Shawn's POV

Hahaha Andrea has been packed for a whole week. She even packed my bags even though I refused. I love her so much. I'm really lucky to be dating her. I'm so lucky that her and my friends get along. I cannot believe that Cameron thinks his plans gonna work. They really haven't been split for long. I just don't want to see those two hurt again. I admit I ship that shit but he should really give it a rest for a little longer. Sigh.

Cherish's POV

I can't believe Cameron and Katelynn broke up. They were so damn cute. Buuuttt he is trying to fix it. Too bad Matt doesn't think his plan will work. Taylor and I think that now is the perfect opportunity for him to win his girl back. Taylor and I made a bet with the Jack's that Katelynn and Cameron will end up back together. They don't think anything will happen. Suckers.

Taylor's POV

My beautiful girlfriend and I made a bet with the Jack's and they're gonna wish they never bet with us. Hahaha. Winners get $10 from the losers wallet while the loser cleans the winners room until we all part ways. I so can't wait to see them lose. Hahahaha.

Lacie's POV

Carter has been so freaking annoying lately. He thinks that Cam should go to Omaha right now and "serenade his women" even though the whole world knows Cam can't sing. Stuff like this is gonna take time. I love them both but let's be real. They call them ex's for a reason.

Carter's POV

I'm about ready to fly to Omaha with Cameron strapped to me to get his women back. I believe you should never wait for something you love unless that someone you love is getting ready for a date. Then you leave her to do her business. I can't wait to see everyone again though.

Kyra's POV

My parents are letting me go with the Griers to L.A. for Katelynn's welcome home party. I can't believe my parents are actually letting me go. Especially with everything with school going on. Even little Skylynn is coming to see Katelynn. I hear we're all staying in Matt's new house. Whooo.

Hayes' POV

I can't believe I am actually going to L.A. with my beautiful girlfriend to see all of our friends. Let's just hope everything goes as planned. Hopefully all the heart aches will go away. I just want to see everyone happy!

Nash's POV

Hahaha I just dumped maple syrup on Hayes' head. I can't wait to have more fun like this in L.A. hahaha. Cam better not screw this up or I'm gonna screw him up. I love Cam like a brother but I also love Katelynn like a sister and brothers protect their sisters.

Aaron's POV

People always leave me out of things like these because I'm so quiet but I personally think they should give their relationship another go. I mean what do they have to lose? They're already broken up so I mean nothing. They haven't talked so it's not like they will lose a friendship. But I don't know.

Jack G's POV

I don't know about this. If they do go back to each other Johnson will be crushed. I know he loves her but so does Cam. I know Johnson understand the situation and I know he just wants her to be happy but sometimes he needs to think of himself. Maybe it is what it is.

Johnson's POV

I know when we go to L.A. my happiness could be ripped from my hands but Katelynn being happy is what makes me happy. If I can't have a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship with her atleast I am lucky enough to have a friend ship with her and plus I ship her and Cam so hard.

Skylynn's POV

I soooo can't wait to see Katelynn and show her my new toy horses. Maybe when I get to her house she will play horsey race with me. Maybe Cammy too. I can't wait to leave.

Okay so I know this chapter sucked because it was a big filler on what people thought.

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