Chapter 7

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Katelynn's POV

We had arrived at a new city yesterday and let's just say that I hate sharing a room with these boys. Well with Cameron anyway. Andrea has joined us for the rest of the tour and a few of the other girls that the boys have met. Cameron has brought his 'friend' with him and let's just say I am really jealous. I really like Cam. I have been skyping with Luke lately and he said that he is going to be here tomorrow until we leave for the next shows. I know I said I would talk to him when I got back home but I really need a friend. Today Andrea, Mahogany and I have made plans to go shopping yet again. These people are really nice. I was getting ready to meet the girls when I got stopped by Cam.

"Hey can we talk?" He asked. I hid my emotions and just kept walking.

"I don't know. Maybe later," I said and kept walking. I don't know how much longer I can keep this together. I just need to deal with being young and stupid for a few more years. I only have a few years until I need to figure out what to do with my life. I turn 17 in 3 days. It's crazy to see how time flies. I walked out of the lobby to see the girls standing outside.

"Ready?" Mahogany said showing her beautiful smile off.

"Yup," I learned to put on a fake smile. It makes everything all better.

We were 2 hours into our shopping trip when we decided to get food. I ended up with a turkey wrap. We were talking about me and Cameron. Mahogany was already going through my whole life. Andrea decide I was having 5 children. 2 girls and 3 boys. Mahogany had planned out my wedding and my future house. I love how they are shipping me with my crush. I never really had friends to talk to besides Tay but she was always with her boyfriend.

"Oh and our kids will all grow up together and be best friends," Andrea chorused through her excitement.

"I think you both are getting far ahead of yourselves. We aren't even dating and probably won't. "

To bad I am true. I rather save myself the heart break also. The rest of our day consisted of a bunch of stupid selfies and the girls trying to convince me to buy a dress for my birthday. I guess they are going to take me to a club for kids under 18. I actually did buy the dress. We ended our day with pizza and a swim in the pool at around 1 in the morning. Hayes had a new girlfriend who was named Kyra. She was really pretty. If she wasn't so young I would be jealous. I don't know if we will be friends because of the bigger age difference but she seems pretty cool. Hayes really fancies her and you can see it. I know many people say younger people don't know what love is. Well many people must not see the love between all these beautiful couples. I sighed and stood to go to bed. I then realized I am sharing a room with Cameron. I didn't want to talk. I didn't want to see him right now and plus that girl is gonna be here. I was in the hall way when I couldn't take it anymore. I was sitting in the hall letting my tears rush out of me.

"Katelynn are you alright? " Jack J. asked.

"Yeah. I just don't want to go back to my room." I sighed and he understood what I meant.

"You can sleep in our room tonight if you like," he held out his hand for me to take.

"Thank you," I thanked him and gave him a friendly hug. "You are my bestest friend ever," I said in a childish voice.

"Anytime sweet cheeks." See this is why he is my best friend. He does anything for me even though I almost killed him for tricking me into kissing him. Jack threw me his shirt and I climbed into bed with him and not in a dirty way. In a I am your best friend way. It wasn't long before I had fallen asleep.

-The Next Day-

I had awoken to what seemed like a million people running around the room. It was just Matt, Cam, Shawn, Jack J., Jack G., and Nash,but when you have all of them messing around it sounds like a lot.

"Why didn't you tell us that you were sleeping around with Johnson?" Nash asked. I turned my head to Jack and he was looking at Nash with shock. Cam just had a jealous but pissed look on his face. Why is he mad at me?

"What are you talking about? I didn't sleep around with Jack and plus Gilinsky is sleeping in the same room as us so even if I would do the deed with someone i wouldn't do it with someone else in the room." I sat up and everyone gave me a weird loook all besides the Jacks.

"Why are you wearing his shirt then?" Matt smirked and Cameron got up and left.

"Maybe because I didn't have anything to sleep in." I stood up and stomped out passing Cameron in the hallway. I made it to our room and changed into something real quick. I grabbed my phone and realized I had a text from Luke.

From Luke: Meet me in the lobby at 9:30.

I looked at the time. 9:40. I ran down to the lobby and saw Luke sitting in the chair.

"Hey Luke!" I shouted. He looked up from his phone and smiled. He started walking towards me.

"Hey long time no see," he smirked.

"Come on. I will show you where we all are staying." I took his hand in mine in a friendly way. All the boys were in the hallway. Cam looked at me and gave Luke daggers. "Um, Luke this is my brother Matt and our friends, Nash, Cameron, Hayes, Hayes' girlfriend Kyra, Shawn, Shawn's girlfriend Andrea, and Mahogany. You may meet the others soon maybe." Luke greeted everyone and we kept walking to the room.

"So the big 17 in 2 days huh?"

"Yup. Boy I am getting old." We both started laughing and that is when we finally made it into the room. I was setting Luke up with a spot to sleep. I figured Luke and I would sleep at the end of Shawn's bed and Cam and his 'girlfriend' at the end of Matt's bed. Cam and I had beds the other night and it's only fair I guess. Cam came in shortly after with Shawn and Matt. Cam had a really bad attitude for no reason.

"How long is he staying?" Cam asked rudely.

"As long as he likes." My mother always said treat others with respect and they will surely do the same for you.

"Where do you expect him to sleep?" Cam questioned again.

"Chill with the questions Cam. Luke is my friend and nothing is going to change that. He is going to lay next to me. Fully clothed." I looked at both Cam and Matt. These people are really getting on my nerves.

Cameron's POV

My plans to ask Katelynn out are going tovget ruined while this Luke kid is here. I mean yeah I was trying to make Katelynn jealous with Ashley but I didn't think that she would have this Luke kid come out. I had spent my whole day in Nash's room afraid that if I did leave I would see Katelynn and Luke. When Nash did make me go back to the room at 10 for bed they were laying together on the floor. He was playing with her hair and she was just laying there. I miss our first night where I got to lay down next to her. Oh gosh what am I saying. I just need to get her to be mine and mine only. I need to make the move soon before someone else does.

Oh I hope you enjoyed this little filler. I am asking for 5 votes before another update and I know that 5 out of you 600 people can vote. Thank you.

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