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He had been on his own before, but it was different this time. He felt so empty inside it was hard to remember why he should be around people ever again. He moved from town to town, not staying anywhere for more than a few hours as he tried to figure out who he was supposed to be now.

He was very surprised when he heard a voice cry out, "Dillon!"

He turned around and spotted Summer, and suddenly, he hurt. He hurt more than he had since he'd come back from the dead. Everything in him was screaming that he loved her and he should run to her, but he couldn't feel it, and that made him stand in place and glare at her instead.

Arms wrapped around him from behind and he realized Summer wasn't alone. "We found you! I can't believe it!" Tenaya cried in relief.

He knew he should hug her or comfort her as tears began streaming down her cheeks, but he couldn't bring himself to do that. Instead, he remained frozen in place, not reacting.

"Dillon, it's us," Summer pushed. "Say something, please!"

He shook his head and started to walk away. "Oh no you don't!" Tenaya said. That was the only warning he received before she knocked him unconscious.

When Dillon came around, he was somewhere else. He recognized it after a moment. "Great. They dragged me back to the safe house," he mumbled in annoyance. He was about to plot his great escape when he noticed Ziggy sitting by his side. Not only had he apparently fallen asleep there, but he was holding Dillon's hand, clinging to him almost like he was terrified he'd disappear if he didn't hang on tight.

"Dill..." Ziggy mumbled as he started to come around. He looked into Dillon's eyes and cried out, "Dillon! You're awake... You're here, and alive, and safe, and... And I'm here, Buddy. I'm right beside you. It's going to be okay."

Dillon didn't respond. Ziggy looked hurt. "Don't you remember me, Dillon? It's me. It's Ziggy... Your best friend? Your faithful sidekick? You didn't forget me, did you?"

Dillon pulled his hand free and tried to stand up. "Don't go!" Ziggy cried. "Dillon, you have to stay so we can fix you! I can't lose you again... I... I can't..."

To Dillon's shock, Ziggy began crying. He couldn't quite identify why, but it really hurt to witness that. Ziggy began rambling again until Dillon finally snapped, "Shut up already, Ziggy!"

Ziggy sniffled and looked at him with heartbroken eyes. "You died, Dill... You died on me... And now you're back but you aren't you and I don't know what to do about it."

Dillon sighed. "Stop crying, would you? It bothers me."

"It does?"

Dillon shrugged. "Yeah, it seems to. I just can't explain what it makes me feel."

"You remember me? And the team?"

"I remember everyone, Ziggy. I just can't feel anything."

"You were never the most emotional guy in the world to begin with."

Dillon smirked at that. "Why did they bring me here?"

"We know people who can help you, Dillon. Do you remember that? There are people who can reverse what the Flames did to you."

"The Flames didn't fully work on me. Trerry told me that much. I was newly dead and stubborn, and Trerry made sure the Flames couldn't steal my light. I just can't feel the way I think I'm supposed to."

"So we'll call Trerry, and he can fix whatever's broken in you."

"Just like that, huh?"

"Sure. Why not?"

Chosen Destiny (Book Seven of the Chosen Universe)Where stories live. Discover now