Chapter Thirty Four

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Annabelle stirred before sitting up breathing hard, 'George,' she whispered her hand on her chest. She had dreamt he had died. Sir Ashton had finally killed him. When she looked over at her surroundings she calmed knowing she was in the safety of her father's house. Her dream had seemed so real. She had seen his blood and his lifeless body slumped at her feet. She pushed back the covers and walked over to the window, the sun was now coming up. She placed her hand on her stomach and smiled.

She had known there was something wrong when she would awake and feel a wave of dizziness and on occasion the food had not been kind to her. Twice the breakfast she had eaten found its way out of her. That was when she knew.

She had seen one too many women crying from morning illness only for her mother to inform them they were of child. Many had been overjoyed, some had been disappointed and terrified.

She turned when a young lady walked into her room with a tray of tea and crumpets, 'my lady,' she curtsied once she had put the tray down.

'Good morning,' Annabelle watched her intently. 'I have not seen you before,' she stated. Knowing full well her mother would never hire extra hands.

'I am new my lady,' the young girl stated keeping her eyes on the floor.

'And what is your name?'

'Amelia, my lady.'

Annabelle watched her shy nature but noticed a stance about the woman. Her eyes kept to the floor but darting over to the tray she had set down. 'Lady Edwards insists you drink your tea my lady, she says it will calm your morning sickness.'

'And where is my mother?' she asked keeping her eyes on the woman.

'I am afraid I do not know. I was simply sent here with that message.'

'Thank you, Amelia. You may go.'

'My lady,' she curtsied and left.

Annabelle watched her close the door slowly, she threw a glare at the table once more before she closed the door. She walked over to the table and looked at its contents. The crumpets looked lovely, but only her mother made them and her mother had spent a good amount of time with her.

She poured herself some tea and lifted the cup to her nose. It smelled different. There was no mint like it always had, instead it smelt of wood. Annabelle quickly placed the cup back on the tray. She would look for her mother and inquire on the new staff. Something about Amelia did not fit well with her.

She found Lady Edwards in the garden looking over the ladies tending to her flowers. Her mother had always loved flowers and her father had made sure there was a garden she could work with. He would say the garden was the place she would unleash her anger or show her never ending love. She walked up to her mother and put her arms around her waist. She had missed the feel of her home. With her husband it was always a fight. She never knew what to expect from him.

They would love each other or hate each other. She had grown tired of the uncertainty. If he did not love her why had he insisted she stayed. Why had he made her feel what she was feeling. She looked at her mother's roses and the care they were being given and laughed at herself. Flowers were shown more care and tenderness than she had known in her husband's home.

'What is troubling you my dear?' Lady Edwards asked, knowing her daughter, silence always meant an argument in tow.

'There is a lady who served me this morning her name is Amelia, have you hired any new staff mother?'

Her mother looked over the roses before looking at Annabelle, 'when have you known me to call on new staff Annabelle.'

'I thought so myself.'

'Is there something you want to tell me Annabelle?' her mother was now looking at her quite intently.

'You know Angelo is alive and well?'

'Yes, Sir Ashton had the pleasure of informing me. He and Lord Markham called upon you yesterday but you were resting.'

'Mother!' Annabelle exclaimed

She put up her hand before her daughter could say more, 'You are back here in your condition. Your husband has not come to look for you. Does he know of your condition? Is the child his?'

'How dare you mother,' she spat out tears forming in her eyes.

'Your impoverished lover has returned Annabelle who is to say you aren't having his child,'

'That is enough Sarah,' Lord Edwards stated from behind the two ladies. 'Anna come, there is someone here to see you.

Annabelle left her mother's side feeling hurt. How could her own mother believe lies! She knew Sir Ashton had spoken ill of her. Her mother was a fool to believe the man who had planned on killing her husband.

She made her way to the study George had first found her in and opened the door, expecting a friendly face, her smile quickly faded as she beheld the man sitting at her desk.  

I Am A Lady #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now