Chapter Eleven

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It had been two days since he had seen his wife. He was still reeling from the effects she had on him, that coupled with the guilt of having lain with another woman to ease the desire he felt for her. If he faced her, she would surely knew. Wisdom told him she knew exactly where he had ridden off to that very night. It was his only option he tried to console himself. Annabelle had made it very clear his bed was not a place she would ever visit. He was a man, she surely knew he had needs. But even repeating those words to himself did nothing to squash the guilt that washed over him every time he heard her name or caught a glimpse of her in the garden. 

His thoughts were only confirmed when one of her ladies had informed him Celia had paid his dear wife a visit. The details of their conversation were not revealed to him but he was informed of the downcast mood of his dear wife after his mistress departed. he too had noted it when he caught a glimpse of her this morning as she walked past his study. She looked shaken and not her usual strong defiant self. Cook had told him she had not eaten since the visit, it had been a day and he was positive that was not healthy. 

Bot bothering with propriety he stalked out of his room in nothing but his breeches in search of his wife. There must be some sort of understanding they could come to. As he opened his door he was met with a woman coming a speed high enough to send them both off balance. She walked into his bare chest and stumbled backwards but George's hands encircled her before she could get away. 

'Unhand me you rogue,' she spoke against his skin. Her breath tickling his nerves.

'Why would I do such a thing when your intention is to flee?'

  He let her go but still kept his palm on the small of her back, keeping her close. He liked the way she felt and he could see from her eyes she enjoyed the proximity as well.   

'I do not want to flee,' she stopped trying to free herself from his grip and looked up at him. His brown eyes smiling down at her. Her eyes dropped to his lips and she cursed herself inwardly for wanting this ouof of a man. 'I came here to speak with you.'


'I am not a servant you will address me with respect Sir George.'

'Pardon my manners Lady Edwards, pray tell what was the reason you sought me out?' he pulled her closer.

She took a deep breath, concluding the only way he would let her go was if he heard what she came to tell him. She was sure her husband had more dignity than t flaunt the ways of his mistress in her face. 'A gentleman would not be so indiscreet Sir George. Your mistress dared to come here and order me to leave before I am to be thrown out. This marriage may not be what I wanted but I will respect it and I expect the same from you. Running off into the night to have your fill of women is no longer acceptable. You will dine with me in the morning, during lunch and at dinner time. I will not spend the rest of my life attached to a heartless pig who uses his good looks and wealth to embarrass me. I hope I have made myself clear.' She right, he let her go. She used the opportunity to create a valley of space between them.

'You have no response, so you knew?' she crossed  her arms.

'Of course not. Had I known..'

'You would have what? Warned me beforehand that I am to discarded like a used cloth?'


'Spare your emotions for those who truly know you Sir George. I have said my piece. Have a good day.' She turned on her heel and disappeared back into her solitude. 

Sir George was left unclear of what had just transpired. He retreated back into his chambers readying himself for breakfast. This marriage may not disappoint. 

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