Chapter Eight

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Lady Annabelle spent the best part of her morning staring out the window. She had not spoken to her mother since the horrid visit from Sir Ashton. Her mother only reminded her of what she had lost that day. That dreadful day, Angelo had decided he wanted to come and try win her heart again. Her mother hated him with everything she had. Simply because he did not fit her description of a young respectable man. A man like Sir George, who came from wealth and a name. What was in a name, it is simply passed on to the next fool. A man who holds on to his name is not a man, he is a name.

Lady Annabelle had made that clear to her mother but she refused to listen. Sir Ashton to her was more respectable. Everything she had wanted her daughter to love and be attached to.

There was a knock on the  door, Lady Annabelle made no movement. The door opened and in came her mother. Knowing full well she had entertained Sir Ashton when he came into the house, despite her asking him to leave.

"Annabelle', her mother's soft voice filled the room. 'You haven't eaten anything for days, your father and I are worried'.

'My father is worried, mother, you are joyful the one man who would make an honest lady of your daughter has returned. What now will become of Sir George. The whole world knows I am betrothed to him'. She turned to her mother, 'however will we recall all those published announcements. And just think of his mother, poor woman, knowing her son is about to be married. How horrible for her, do you not agree mother,' she said walking past her mother.

'Annabelle, dear, I was only...'

'Looking out for my interests, yes mother I know. Like you are doing now. Sir Ashton is here is he not? I believe he is sitting in the same chamber you assigned him all those years ago. When will you ever be considerate mother? When will you ever do something because I want it? When will you ever listen to me?'

'Annabelle,' her mother reached out her hand. Lady Annabelle moved back and shook her head. Her eyes were full of tears. 

'Does it not matter to you mother, that seeing him here only reminds me of why I am so unhappy, why I disappeared from the public all those years ago, why I never want to get married?'

'Stop it Annabelle, you are acting like a child.'

'And you are acting very selfishly. Does my happiness mean nothing to you?'

'People like us Annabelle are rarely presented with an opportunity such as the one you were presented with all those years ago. And you would have chosen wrong if I had not intervened. I do this because I love you Annabelle and nothing more.'

She looked at her mother in utter disbelief of the words coming out of her mouth. Ho could her she think she was doing her a favor? 'A favor mother? You thought you were doing me a favor?' she said through clenched teeth,

'You will do well to remember I am still your mother and you will speak to me with respect.

'You had a hand in killing a man mother. You may not have pulled that trigger but it was because of your actions that Angelo died. It was because of your need to marry me off to the richest fool that he felt the need to prove himself worthy of me. It was because of you his brother hated him. It is because you mother I am miserable.' The heaviness on her chest lifting as the words left her mouth. 

She did not hate her mother but she did blame her for the life she was living and she blamed her father as well for not being the man whose role is to protect. 

Her mother's gaze was soft and sorrowful as she left her room. She did not mean for her words to cut deep but it was only a fraction of the pain she was going though, it was only fair for it to be felt by others. 

I Am A Lady #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now