10: The Trip

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During your graduation ceremony, you and your classmates decided that you would be going on a trip with the entire class, or at least those willing to participate, to celebrate that all of you were now finally done studying and ready for the big world out there. While discussing where you would be going you came across an advertisement for a holiday park that had several houses that could accommodate up to 12 people each on Jeju Island. Even though you found it strange that you got this add while you were searching for places to stay in Okinawa, you did think that it was a perfect match for your group. So without hesitation you sent it in the groups chat, it being met with a lot of enthusiasm from the other graduates and it was quickly decided that you would choose Jeju as your destination, since this also meant that more people would be able to join since this was within more people's budget.

After booking the trip and securing the dates, you and a few others started working on a itinerary, or on several since not all of you might want to do the same things on the same days, just agreeing that every evening past 8 P.M. should be free so that everyone could either spend time together or go their own way. You decided ongoing over to your neighbors' house, to ask them for advice on what activities to take part of in Jeju since of course they lived their partially, which they were delighted to help you with. Moon Jo even offered you to host a BBQ and wine tasting at their place, which you thought was very nice of him.
You were surprised to find out that quite a few of your classmates were interested in participating in the BBQ and you discussed with your neighbors about the costs and how you would get there. The couple stated that both of them could just come pick you up and that they would use a mini van and one of their cars. Of course most of your class mates wanted to go with the mini van when they realized that the dentist was driving it, him being better with strangers than Jong Woo apparently, not that you minded going with the writer, quite the opposite since the two of you had grown quite close over the last couple of weeks. You did think it was strange that the couple didn't just give all of you the address and let you figure out how to get their by yourselves but on the other hand you understood since Jong Woo was quite a popular writer and the couple valued their privacy immensely.

The BBQ and wine tasting itself was a great success and everyone seemed to enjoy their evening, most of them sticking with their friends, some fawning over Moon Jo, much to Jong Woo's dismay but luckily you were there to keep said writer company, talking about the progress he's made on the new book and even going as far as telling you that he had started to schedule it's release which was most likely going to be around the summer next year. You joked to him that maybe he should do a short Halloween special or something to hype up his new book, to let readers anticipate and he actually didn't think that was such a bad idea.

"Jagiya! Do you mind grabbing a couple more bottles of wine?" you heard Moon Jo suddenly shout at Jong Woo, who sighed in response before he started to get up from his chair.

"do you need help?" you asked as you felt bad for sending the writer to the wine cellar alone. Jong Woo nodded in response before continuing his way inside the barn past the stables, you following behind him under the watchful eyes of the dentist, a grin appearing on his face.

"watch out for your head" Jong Woo warned as he opened the door to the barn, revealing a giant space filled with wine barrels on one side and a wall absolutely stacked with wine bottles on the other. You could hear the machine in the other room processing the wine as you got closer to the door to grab a couple of bottles. You looked at the different kinds of labeling on the bottles and wondered what the difference between each bottle was other than the ages which were obvious.

"They're all from a different production batch, each with a slightly different, how shall I say it, concoction." the writer explained as he clearly understood why you were looking confused, before you noticed that the wine Jong Woo was picking up had a different brand's name on it.
"you didn't think we'd give our own wine to your friends other than the initial tasting? They don't even taste the difference uncultured as they are." the writer continued in a mocking tone.
"We are only a small winery, that would cost us half of our harvest with how your friends are drinking honestly. Adding to the fact that our wine is extremely exclusive and only sold to a very niche group of people, which we want to remain that way. The wine we've been serving your friends is one from another winery here in Jeju"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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