The thoughts of the past

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Sero and Denki had moved to sit on one of the couches as Shoto and Izuku had taken the other. Ida had come back holding a notebook and a pencil, but also a pen as he knew Sero was better with writing with a pen, well Denki needed a pencil so that he didn't mess up a word.

Ida held the notebook as he opened it to a page showing Sero the name of a villain. Sero looked at Ida as he sighed. "That's the one Ida." Ida had written down the name of the person who had sent the text about results to both Denki and Sero. As the notebook in large letters had the name Vex's as well as the real name was still yet to be found out by the 1A group.

Now Ida stood in between Denki and Sero looking at them. "Okay we know when they speak the devices whatever they may be turned on and begin to burn their necks. So talking is out of the question unless it is something we really most definitely need them to say out loud everything else will be written down, but we need to find out if that is even safe to start this off."

Izuku looked at Ida and smiled when he saw Ochaco and Tsyu walk over to sit with him and Shoto. Shoto looked at the two girls as they sat on his side of the couch keeping away from Midoriya as nobody wanted to start a fight with Shoto who had just gotten into a relationship with Midoriya and it was his first one ever and hard as hell to get going as Shoto was dumbfounded by the idea of love. But now they were together so that was other thing happening other than the whole these two work for villains problem.

But the main thing that was happening now was Ida asked Sero to speak about who this Vex's person was. Sero didn't wait for the notebook to be handed to him as the only thing he knew wouldn't him was this fact. "He's my father, Vex's is my father and the reason that me and Kaminari have been suffering since we were born and brought to the lab." He coughed a bit as he caught himself before any blood could get on the couch as that would be a story to tell anyone who came into the room.

Izuku wanted to walked over and wipe off Sero's face or just do something to help, but now it was Shoto holding him back as everyone knew by now that Izuku just wanted to save every person he met that was in danger.

The talk went on as the group started to talk about everything that was going on with this Vex's aka Sero's father as they spoke Denki and Sero wrote down what they could for information to go off of.

Few hours later

Ida had helped Sero and Denki get to Sero's dorm room after people had started to wake up around about 11am as it was the weekend. So 1A was having their days off now, but also having time off as there had just been an attack on their class at the USJ building and everyone was a bit shaky still about it and Mr. Aizawa had made sure that Nezu knew why his class wasn't in the classroom.

Ida was standing at the door of Sero's dorm as he watched the two go inside holding onto each other and helping one and others to walk. Ida could see that these two had a great relationship and he was trying to also remember if they had said anything about it last night before everyone had passed out.

Ida smiled as he waited for the two too look back and see him. They didn't so he walked inside holding the notebook. "I can send you guys an email or something with the rest of my questions if you are okay with that?" He asked carefully as he knew that Sero and Denki were tried again as they had to put a lot of will power into their answers for Ida and the others.

Ida waited for them as he saw Sero lay Kaminari down in his bed. "I can wait...." Sero looked back as he sat on the side of his bed. "It's better to not have them on a computer or anything that has to do with power as it can be hacked Ida and I don't want that." Denki had fallen asleep in the bed now as Sero could hear him breathing calmly. Ida saw this as he put his arms down to his sides and then crossed them over his chest. "Kaminari sleeps a lot when you think about it Sero." Sero looked up at Ida. "Yeah....He has to as there is 3 of us." Ida titled his head. "This was not told to me downstairs."

Sero sighed. "Yeah, Denki has another personally is all. But the other person hasn't come to cause any trouble yet and hopefully it stays that way." Denki was sleeping soundly now. Ida nodded. "Another of the test things I am guessing." Sero looked at Ida. "He was cloned, what do you expect a party for having a half brother kind of person living inside your brain, head whatever you want to say at this point."

Sero looked to Ida again

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Sero looked to Ida again. "The other person in his mind goes by the name Volts as we gave him that name a long time ago, you in the place we don't say." Ida nodded. "It's fine friend tell me however you feel it won't hurt you. I don't need to know right now if you just want to rest for a few hours." Sero looked at Ida as he sighed. "I want to sleep, but now I said something and I want to speak my part one last time." Ida looked at Denki. "So does this other person have different things or anything that they do from our friend here." Sero looked at Ida as he giggled. "The same, but so much worse." He was laughing at this as no the other guy was the same only flirted way too much.

Ida smiled as he played with the notebook he had used for questions in his hands still. He was still going to go over some stuff once back in his dorm room. Ida smiled back at Sero as he went back towards the door. "Rest friends and I will come see you in 2 hours." Sero nodded. "Okay boss come back whenever you want just don't forget to knock."

Ida left the room as he closed the door slowly behind him. "Hopefully our friends won't have any trouble sleeping today as the rest of 1A needs to be on their best behaviour....but I truly can't always hope for that."


Just a smaller chapter so that it calms down a bit before the next which will have more in it as we may see more of class1A cause I both want to touch on Sero's and Kaminari's past, but also on a few others as I have so many headcannon for this story going forwards.

Word count comes in at 1193

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