Friends in higher places

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Sero was sitting with Kaminari and Bomber in his Lighting Blot base as the 3 were talking. Sero had brought himself and Kaminari to his base in the East of the older part of the city. Everything had gone down hill ever since 2 days ago. 

Denki and Sero had shown their true skills to their teachers Aizawa and Midnight and now they were in hiding until things calmed down a little. Sero had told Denki he was a gang leader now as the two hang out with the Lighting Blots every once in a while. 

Right after the training was over Sero and Denki had been left alone, so they booked it to the dorms and left their hero costumes as now they were dressed in their gang outfits. Denki was now part of the gang and was proud to be. He had been given the name of Blot because it was both something that sounded like lighting and it matched up with Volts as well because of the first letter change.

Now Sero and Denki were chillin with Bomber as she went through some flies with them cause the group, well she had made it into a few other bases for information on other gang's and members. 

Sero and Denki looked at each other as they had to report back to the lab soon as well and now that they knew Bomber knew what they had done it was only a matter of time before that information got to Vex's. 

Sero and Denki stayed with Bomber and the group was the next few weeks as they got better with their skills in hiding and shooting a gun. Denki was also given his own bike to really be part of the team and Mei was finally able to have her own as well because someone had made a smaller one that was easy to control for her little body and age.

(5 weeks later)
Sero and Denki looked at each other they didn't like this day at all as they walked through the forest. They had been called back to the lab as someone who worked at the lab called having the two boys called off of UA's school campus. 

Sero took the lead as he pressed the hidden button in one of the trees as the lab was now slowly making itself seen. A ramp towards an elevator had opened and now the two were walking inside the elevator after another set of codes put in by Sero. 

Denki moved his hand to hold Sero's as the doors closed. Sero knew that Denki was scared now as he could feel the shaking. He was worried because he had had a great time with his gang and then when they had gotten back to the school after 5 long weeks. A car was waiting to pick them up at the dorms. 

So now the two watched as the doors opened to the lab hallways walking inside. The elevator is closing behind them. Denki held onto Sero's hand as they started walking towards the office where Vex was waiting for them.

The two slowly made it to the office as Sero opened the door looking at his father. Vex's looked at the two as he put his hands together elbows on the table as he touched his hand to his nose. "Welcome home boys." He said slow and welcoming. 

Denki bowed. "Thank you sir." He stood fast as Sero moved standing in front of his father. "So you saw what we did is what I hear from the guard outside the door. Vex nodded. "I did and that's why you're here now as I am very upset with how UA is taking this. You two are supposed to be in your classes as well, but were gone for a whole 5 weeks before anyone had any contact with you. 

Sero looked his father dead in the eyes. "I'm aware. I don't just leave whenever I want from places farther." Denki went quiet as he stood back. Sero huffed. "I have dealt with some stuff well I was outside of this place. I know of a few new people you can take for your little games." Vex nodded. "That's great to hear. Now move along the clones are waiting for you in the gym."

Sero huffed before leaving his fathers office dragging Denki down the hallway. Denki was being dragged as he felt Volts take control. "Finally freedom." Sero let go of Volts hand as he kept walking. "You're lucky that we're at the lab or I would beat you up because of that Volts."

After a few moments of walking the door to the gym was pushed open by Sero. Sero looked as he saw the other 18 clones, they came running towards him as they hugged or gave a small kiss to him on the cheek, they slowly moved back into line as Sero's old sparing teacher came into the room. 

Sero looked at the woman that looked like she was a wave of water. Her skin blue and her hair is blonde and waving. Sero watched as Volts moved to where all the clones were lining up. Denki slowly appearing beside Sero as he unfused with Volts. 

Denki nodded. "I will just be on the bench with the others." Sero watched Denki took the clones to the benches along the side of the room. Sero smirked. His teacher did the same. "Ready for our rematch?" Sero gave a nod as he grabbed his gun and knife from his belt. 

(After the fight)
Sero was on the ground pinning the older woman to the ground with his foot as she was passed out. Sero looked at the clones. "Let's get out of here before she wakes up again." The clone all came alive as their true emotions came to life. Some of them ran around the room doing the jumps and rope swings well others spoke. One was jumping all round Denki as she hugged him.

Sero laughed, he was happy to see everyone for real now. Denki smiled as he was okay just being attacked with hugs and being thrown around a bit. Everyone walked over to Sero after a few moments as they followed him down to the food court. 

After hanging out for a few hours Sero and Denki went back to their shared room. Having the same feeling right after the door opened. It was the feeling of worry cause now they had to worry about if something was going to happen to them or their classmates because of what they had done. By showing their skills in class, now people knew they were good and had more quirks. But for now Denki pulled Sero over to the small couch sitting down with his boyfriend for some alone time. 



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