Pablos awakening; P A B L O 🥵

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Pablos POV:

I woke up, feeling dizzy for some reason. Put of the corner of my eye I could see my four friends talking, they were in a circle. "Oh! Guys! Pablo is up!" Uniqua said as she rushed to come and see me. "How are you Pablo?" She asked, happier then she'd usually be. "I'm great, a little dizzy but still feeling okay..." I said as I looked away. Ah, she's so pretty! I wanna marry her! I thought, but I doubt that would happen, because I was pretty sure Austin was with Uniqua. But maybe I could win her back? But I wasn't that sure. The other 3 Backyardigans came over to me. "Hi! How're you doin' my man!?" Tyrone asked, acting like his weird usual self. "Pablo said he was a little dizzy, but he said he's still feeling okay." Uniqua replied. Then, she hugged Tyrone. "I"ll miss you later, I wish I could come but I should just leave you and Tasha there so you can talk." "Yeah, but maybe we could talk tomorrow." Tyrone replied. I tried standing up but my legs were feeling like they had no bones in them. I wobbled. Uniqua released Tyrone and came to help me, she grabbed my hand, giving me support for my right side of me. "Th-th *moans* thanks Uniqua." I said. The other Backyardigans looked at me, concerned. "What?" I asked. "You just moaned!" Tyrone said, looking away at the entrance. Then, Spiderus came out of the corner of the lobby. "Time to go get ready, and stop moaning and goofing around." He said to us. "Yaaas sir Ree Mr.Spiderus sir!" Tyrone said, acting as if he were a army man. I looked away. Had I really just moaned? Then, Spiderus went back behind the corner. "Guess we better get ready then." Uniqua said as she grabbed Austin's hand and walked into her room with Austin by her side, Austin's a fucking pain in the ass to me! I want Uniqua! Not for Austin to get in my way and have her!

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