the new kid

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Stella Sinclair has always been a very independent little girl. From the age of six months, she was able to say her first words and at the age of 12 months, she was able to walk. So it was no surprise to her parents that when she reached elementary school, she was able to do a lot of things on her own.

She didn't have a lot of friends but she was content with her life. As long as she had her loving parents and her treehouse in the woods behind her house, she was happy.

One of the other things that made her happy was school. She loved learning. Every day she was sad it had to end but at least she could go back the next day.

"Hi honey, how was school?" Her mom asks when she climbed into the back seat of the car.

"Good! We learned how to multiply." She pauses. "I don't know if I like it."

Her mother chuckled before saying, "It's easy when you get the hang of it. You'll get there. Just keep trying. But I'm glad you enjoyed school today. Did you talk to anyone today?"

"I tried to but they didn't talk to me." She pouts a bit but moves on. It hurt her mother's heart to think about kids not talking to her little Stella but she was just glad that she didn't let that get to her.

Ten minutes later, they pulled into the driveway of the Sinclair home and Stella hurriedly got out of the car. "Mom, can I go to the treehouse?" She asks using her best puppy dog eyes.

"Yes, you can." Her mother chuckles. "Stay where I can see you. Don't wander off please." And with that, the little girl was off.

Little Stella loved her treehouse. It was a place where she could pretend to be anything. A pirate, a princess, a spy, you name it. She hadn't visited in a couple of days and she was dying to get back.

Until she saw something different.

Someone different.

It was a little boy.

"H-hello?" She asks nervously.

"Hi." He said shyly. "I'm Harry."

"My name is Stella...What are you doing here?"

"I moved to here yesterday. I saw this treehouse and thought it looked cool." The boy admits and Stella notices that he doesn't have the same accent as hers. She would be lying if she said she wasn't a little annoyed that he was here without permission but she brushed it off because he was the new kid.

"How old are you?" Stella asks.


"I'm eight too!" She says excitedly and the boy looks happy. "Where are you from?"


"Where do you live now?" Stella kept firing questions at him but he didn't seem to mind. In answer to her question, Harry points to the house right next to hers.

"Really? That's my house!" She says as she points to hers and the boy beamed. Had he already made a friend?

"Do you want to play with me?" Stella asked, suddenly changing the topic and Harry nodded. They pick up long sticks to use as their swords while they pretended to be pirates and for the next hour the little house became their big pirate ship as they fought off the bad guys. They were having so much fun but of course, dinner time had arrived and they both needed to go back home.

"I made a friend today!" Stella beams as she skips into the house.

"Really? Who?" Her dad asks with a happy look on his face.

"I thought you said no one talked to you at school today?" Her mother was slightly puzzled.

"They didn't but I made a friend at the treehouse. His name is Harry, he's eight and he lives right over there." She points in the direction of the house next door.

"Oh! That's so good! I did hear that someone was finally buying that house. We'll have to stop by and say hi." Her mom suggested while setting food on the table and Stella beamed.

After dinner, she got ready for bed because it was a school night and she was exhausted. As she walked into her room and looked through the curtains that were open, she saw that the window in his room was facing hers. They made eye contact and waved before their parents tucked them into bed and turned off the light.

Nothing like a cute lil wholesome chapter to start off a new book!! In my personal opinion, I liked this chapter!! I've never written in 3rd person pov before so it's different but I'll get the hang of it!!

I hope you are all well my lovelies and thank you for reading!! Pls vote and I love reading comments!!

updated: I wanted to change the characters name bc it's too similar to another story I have so if I missed any of the charlottes or the johnsons just lmk and i'll fix it!


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