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A/N during their childhood there will be places where it skips ahead a little bit so heads up:)!!

Stella runs out her front door as fast as her small legs can carry her. Her red hair and bright red cape fly in the wind. She runs up the steps and knocks on the door to the Styles household. Anne soon answers with a smile on her face.

"Can Harry play?"

"He has to get homework done and eat lunch and then he'll be able to. Want him to meet you at the treehouse?"

"Yes, please! Thank you!" Before she can run to the backyard, her mom calls her name.

"Hey Stellie, it's time to eat lunch. Come inside please." Her mother says with a smile. Stella runs inside and into the kitchen.

"Are you going to play with Harry today?" Her mom asks.

"Yeah! He has some homework and he has to eat lunch," she informs her as she plops down onto a seat.

"Do you have homework? You are in the same class, aren't you?" Mrs. Sinclair questions and Stella has a guilty look plastered across her face.

"Okay," her mom laughs as she sets a sandwich in front of her. "the faster you eat and do your homework, the quicker you can play with Harry."

Thirty minutes later, she was out the door and scaling the ladder up to the treehouse. She sees her new best friend sitting down reading.

"What are you reading?" She asks, inquisitively.

"Harry Potter. I just started the first one."

"Do you like it? I've never read it."

"Yeah it's good! We can read it together if you want?" Harry offers and she nods. He starts reading and it's not difficult for her to imagine her and Harry's adventures at Hogwarts if they were in the wizarding world.

(11 years old)

Stella groans as she walks into her room, not wanting to focus on homework. She opens her curtains to let in some light before plopping down at her desk to start on her math assignments. Shortly after she started, she hears a faint knock on a window so she looks up and sees Harry with a piece of paper in his hand that read: 'You doing anything?'

She grabs her own notebook and writes: 'Math homework. You?'

'Nothing. Need help?' He quickly writes back. They didn't have phones yet so window notes were their form of communication.

'please haha.'

'Sleepover in the treehouse and I can help you?'

'Yes! Be right there.' Stella writes back and as soon as Harry reads it, she collects all her assignments and dumps them in her backpack, and runs down the stairs.

"Hey mom can I have a sleepover with Harry in the treehouse? He's gonna help me with homework."

"Yes but please make sure you get it done."

"Ok!" Since the sun was setting, Stella threw on her pajamas and grabbed some games, blankets, sleeping bags, and all the needed supplies before running outside. She climbs up the stairs and sees Harry with his guitar in the living room on one of the bean bags. He just started learning so he's been practicing whenever he can.

"I brought things!" She exclaims and drops them on the floor before grabbing the sleeping bags and climbing up the other ladder to the loft bed to lay them out. "Why does math have to exist?"

"Because it makes you smart."

"Well, it doesn't make me feel smart."

Harry laughs and says, "Come down here, Lala. I'll help you." She climbs down, grabs her backpack, and joins him on the bean bags.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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