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As usual, Stella was so excited to get to school. She practically ran out the door when it was time for her to go. Her mother chuckles like she always does when she sees Stella so excited. Ten minutes later, they pull into the parking lot so she can get to school.

"Goodbye, Stellie!! I love you!" Her mum exclaims as she leaves. Stella walks into her classroom, sets her things down, and sits down at her desk. When everyone is at their desk, their teacher walks to the front of the room to welcome them to class.

"Today we have a new student in our class. Come up and introduce yourself." Her teacher says and waves the new student to the front. Stella looks around with excitement, trying if she could spot the new kid. Her eyes land on a shy little boy with brown curly hair and Stella beams.

"Um, hi. My name is Harry Styles. I moved here two days ago." He says softly and walks back to his desk. Stella made eye contact with him and they both smiled.

For the first time ever, Stella is distracted at school. She can't wait to get to lunch so she can talk and eat with her new best friend Harry. As soon as the lunch bell rings, she runs to get in line and Harry isn't far behind her.

"I'm so happy you're here!" She beams and he does too.

"Me too! I'm so happy you're in my class."

"I finally have a friend!" She seems genuinely excited. They quickly get their food and eat it fast so they can go play on the playground.

They run outside and make it to the monkey bars. Having lots of practice, they easily cross them and before they know it, they hang themselves upside down on the bars.

"Hey Lala, what's your favorite food?" He asks and the nickname took her aback.


"Yeah." The little boy shrugs and although it confuses her, she accepts it. She guesses it's maybe because of the last part of her name.

"I'll call you Riri, my favorite food is raspberries. What's your favorite food?"

"Corn and bananas." He states before they both swing down from the monkey bars. They spend the next thirty minutes swinging on swings and going down the slides, not wanting to go back to class. The bell rings, signaling that lunchtime is over. She groans and they walk back in line, wanting school to be over already.

This is such a teeny tiny chapter but needed to start out their friendship

Y'all don't even know how much I got planned for their actual relationship. Besties get excited.

Sorry for the long wait and sorry for the shortest chapter in existence.

I love you all!!!


Eighteen | Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now