The Merging of Two Powers!

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Night turns to day and , and were buried up to their neck. They were to be sacrificed to the by . Yaya used her remaining energy to free themselves.

Meanwhile, , and were still looking for the entrance to the ancient pyramid in the middle of the forest. They were contacted by the other group, with Yaya informing them that and were heading to their location. Thorn and Solar tried to find a way to open the door. Jokingly, Thorn recited a spell to open the door, while Solar solved calculations to find the secret code to turn the 'lock wheel' like a vault door before realizing that it was a wheelbarrow that had nothing to do with the door. They started to mock each other to the point of causing a small fight but it was broken up by Ying.

As the sun rose, light started to shine on the door making the roots creeping around the door move. At Ying's suggestion, Solar opened the door wide enough with Solar Flare, with help from Thorn with his Thorn Pillars to hold the door. Upon entering, the three of them met another door with a keyhole in the middle. It was cube-shaped, with two more small cube holes in it.

At the same time, Adu Du and Probe stormed into the pyramid and fired lasers at the three of them. Since the pattern of the second door hole is similar to the pattern of Adu Du's head, Probe inserted Adu Du's head into the hole as the key. The door is successfully opened. As the duo ran into the pyramid, Probe fired rockets to collapse the door area to block Solar, Thorn and Ying.

The three of them managed to get behind the door, but the collapse caused darkness. Solar summoned Solar Sphere to illuminate the area; at the same time, Thunderstorm, Yaya and Gopal arrived by breaking the walls.

BoBoiBoy merged back into one as the team entered a hall full of colorful carvings telling the history of Planet Kadruax and the Baja Tribe who experienced a protracted drought (confirming DataBot's knowledge that the planet was once barren) until the emergence of Power Sphere that re-fertilized the planet to grow thick forests, carried by a green-skinned creature of unknown appearance (because its head was erased due to a crack in the wall and was possibly Kubulus).

The team rushed after Adu Du and found him with PlanterBot. Before BoBoiBoy could stop Adu Du from touching the Power Sphere, activated the Power Sphere while telling BoBoiBoy that it was the Kubulus race that brought PlanterBot here that's why the Baja Tribe made him their chief.

Adu Du shoved "Oakuat" seed in PlanterBot ignoring PlanterBot's warning, result turned out to be beyond Adu Du's expectations when the creeping branches grew fast from PlanterBot creating the largest ever Plantosaur - called Alpha Jumbosaur by Gopal. Yaya revealed the seed was the one they picked from Planet Kadruax not the Oakuat seed, as the Oakuat seed was on Earth with protecting it. Alpha Jumbosaur caught and ate Adu Du and Probe then turned towards the gang.

BoBoiBoy turns into and tries to stop Alpha Jumbosaur. Yaya and Ying help with Gravity Punch and Speed Kicks, but are caught by the monster's creeping leaves before being saved by Fire Chakrams from Blaze. However, Alpha Jumbosaur quickly regrew after being cut because PlanterBot was still attached to Alpha Jumbosaur.

Blaze turns into and rushes towards PlanterBot. Thunderstorm manages to free PlanterBot from the vines and throws the Power Sphere towards Gopal telling him to run, but in the process, Thunderstorm got himself struck and bounded by the vines, noticing Adu Du and Probe's nearby in the same state.

Gopal, Yaya, and Ying ran towards to top of the pyramid and contacted Ochobot at . At the same time, Alpha Jumbosaur breaks into the top of the pyramid and captures MYS Justice. BoBoiBoy tries to escape by splitting into two, Solar and Thorn and performs and Elemental Fusion to be .

Sori attacked Alpha Jumbosaur with the obliterated it with . Adu Du and Probe escaped in fright and BoBoiBoy boarded MYS Justice. BoBoiBoy requests PlanterBot to grow the Oakuat seed to which PlanterBot readily agrees.

The episode ends with an incident that took place far from BoBoiBoy's location, inside a cave where a formidable white creature came out of a cocoon in front of witnesses.

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