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Adam and Eve did not die immediately after they ate the fruit, the punishment was not even severe. God still covered up their shame and made clothes for them, sent them out of the garden and made a way for their redemption.

We have failed. We all are born sinners. We need to be saved and justified, to pay the fine for our sins so we are set free legally.

Despite our stupid acts, God made an even easier way to be redeemed by faith in his death on that cross!

Have you not heard that the wages of sin is death?

What Jesus did on that cross was to pay the fine, take the wages for our sins and set us free so we are justified by dying on the cross!

Some may ask, why did Jesus have to die? couldn't God have just let things go, but no.

That's why he is holy and just. He must punish us for our sins because his grace does not overpower his nature of holiness and fair judgement. We must pay for our sins someway.

Look at this analogy (Idea from Living waters on YouTube)

You walk into a courtroom after theft, and the Judge (God) tells you to pay a fine or go to prison. You cannot look at the judge and say "Look at all the good things I've done in my life! they outweigh my theft!"

If the judge lets you go free for theft, doesn't that make him a bad judge? Completely unjust, taking away his holy nature.

We must pay that fine, but our works cannot cover up for it! We Christians then have an advocate for our sin! He came and payed the fine so we can have a pathway to go away. Or in other terms, a lawyer (Jesus) to defend our case.

Jesus' death on that cross was to save mankind, pay our wages of death, and promise us a relationship with God if only we seek and believe in him as the Lord.

Gods love is boundless, If you think of his grace upon us it should bring you to confusion! Why would a God like this value me so much?!

Constantly making ways for us!

Even after the rapture and the saints rise to heaven, there is a way. A way he made again that unbelievers will redeem themselves by their own blood since they rejected his.

That's true love. And for someone to look at it and turn away because of temporary lust of the flesh is madness.

We must put our faith in Jesus, if we doubt his existence, i think the only solution to that is to seek him, you will find him.

The bible is the book of solution to every single issue on the planet! Its available online and physically, and no! It's core message has not been changed!

You have a chance to save yourself from yourself! Read his word and meditate on it. At the end, when he comes, you and I will be able to walk along with him. Touch him, and dine in the table of every great person you read about in his word, wouldn't that be worth pursuing?

God is Love!

You can read my book 'Betrayal' to see how humans were redeemed.

Adam and Eve - Before the FallWhere stories live. Discover now