Chapter one

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~y/n POV ~

Just one more lesson biology with Senõr Jaqc, and then I have holidays. This means no homework and just chilling and riding around the region with Koraidon/Miraidon

I sighed while walking hand in hand with Rio in the classroom. I did not pay attention to the lesson and rather thought about the holidays.

I could beat another titan with Arven or finish another gym. Nemona would be happy about this. Even though I don't think I can beat another gym leader with just three Pokémon.

So, another titan, I guess, and definitely more training.

Out of nowhere, Nemona stands in front of me. "Do you want to work with me?" She asked.

"Work at what?" I asked stupidly. I should've paid more attention to the class. How am I supposed to survive this school year?

This time, the girl in front of me let out a sigh. "You should listen more to Senõr Jaqc. We are supposed to work with a partner and microscopy a hair of a Pokémon. I was thinking we could use the hair of your Lucario."

"Okay, we can work together. I'm sure Rio is willing to give us hair. Are you gonna get the microscope?" Again, I asked like an idiot. Who even came with the idea of letting kids have biology on a Friday in the last period?!

While Nemona went with Senõr Jaqc and some other students to get the microscope, I got another chair for her. Since Rio always sits next to me.

Not long after this happened, Nemona ran to our table. "Look, I got us a brand new microscope. But we have to take good care of it Senõr Jaqc said."

I looked to the named teacher. He looks a bit worried to us. I can't blame him. Nemona is always kind and everything, but she is always the first one to break something important or new. She can also be very annoying.

I hope that we or just she does not break anything.

Nemona sat down on the opposite side of the table while I tried to convince my Rio to give us his hair.

"Come on, just one." I begged him. "Nothing more, I promise." He still shook his head. "What if you get a snack for this?" I asked.

Rio's head immediately turned to me. "But first, the hair. Oh, and after this lesson, you know no eating in biology."

He thought about it for a minute after agreeing with a: "Lucario." And a nod.

I hugged him. "Thanks."

I took out scissors and cut off a bit of his fluffy hair. Even though he said yes, I could see that he doesn't enjoy this.

"See, it's just a bit. It will grow, trust me." I tried to comfort him.

After a bit looking through the microscope, the bell rang. 'Finally,' I thought.

But before everyone could run out of the classroom Senõr Jaqc stopped us.

"The other partners, who didn't got the microscope, will bring them back with me. The others can already go."

Why does something like this always happen to me?

I cleaned up the table and waved goodbye to my friends.

As the last person, I bring the microscope back. Rio followed me. With my thoughts already by Titan hunting, I put it back.

I wanted to leave the room when a weird looking machine caught my eyes.

I walked over to it. I mean, it's a machine in a room in a school. It can't be dangerous, right?

Rio followed me like a lost puppy again. I eyed the machine a bit more when it started to make some noises and light up.

Suddenly, a big light flash hit us, and I blacked out.

Breath of the fight (a Pokémon and kimetsu no yaiba crossover)Where stories live. Discover now