Chapter 1: Monday Morning

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I wake up to the sound of my annoying alarm clock letting me know that is is Monday morning a day I hate, why you may be wondering well because it means it's the start of school so I basically have to go through a whole week of torture not literally but you know what I mean.

As I finally decided to get out of bed I had a nice warm shower,  put on my school uniform, brushed my teeth and hair, added a bit of makeup and then went downstairs to eat breakfast.

 I knew my mom would be making me something nice because I heard her up early this morning so that means she would have enough time to make me breakfast. "Hey mom" I said as I walked into the kitchen, "Hey love how are you" she answered back, "I'm good, just don't want to go to school today", "You always say that you know you must enjoy school well you can" she said in a motherly tone, "Ya well I do enjoy school I just don't like waking up so early in the morning" I replied back, "Well eat your breakfast I have to go get ready for work love you have a nice day at school" my mother said, "Bye mom love you to" I said and she was now in her room getting ready.

Just as I was about to leave my phone rang and I saw that it was Bella calling "Hey Bella what's up" I said as I answered back "Hey Jenna just wanted to let you know I won't be coming to school today because I woke up a bit sick so pls send me any homework we have today" she said in a soft voice "I am so sorry to hear you are sick hope you get better and yes I will send you the homework talk to you later bye" I said as I hung up the phone.

On my way to school I had to make a quick stop because last week they had opened up a StarBucks just a few blocks down the street and I knew I had to get a coffee because I just know that by the time I reach school I will be moaning and saying I want to go home.

After the first 2 periods of the day I was called into the principal's office not knowing what for my heart was beating a mile as I had never in my life been called to the principal's office and if I had been called to the principal's office it would be for a good reason. I was just about half way to the office when I accidentally crashed into someone, when I looked up to see who it was it was non other than Cason Anderson by best friends smoking hot older brother "Sorry didn't see you there Jenna" he said when I finally got out of my trance, "It's ok" I said "What are you doing by the principal's office" Cason asked "I don't know actually what about you" I said back "Same reason" He said " Jenna, Cason pls come through" Our principal said.

"Well you two may be wondering why you are here She said as we took a seat down in her office, "So as you may know Jenna you are in the advanced English class and Cason you are not, but lately Cason you have been getting good grades so I was thinking because you and Jenna know each other I would move you to Jenna's advanced English class and she can help you catch up on the work you have been doing". " What why" I said in and angry voice " Because I said so pls don't argue with me, now you don't want to be late for your next class so best you get going" She said and with that Cason and I left and now I am stuck with him for the rest of the school year.

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