Chapter 16: Christmas Day

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I woke up Christmas day ran downstairs grabbed my mom and day by the arm dragged them over to Bella and Cason's house (because that's where w are having Christmas) and went to wake both sleepy head up.

"Bella WAKE UP!!!!!!!!" I said and then ran to wake Cason up "CASON WAKE UP NOW!!!!!!!!!!" I said then ran back downstairs "Are you crazy it's like 5:00 in the morning" Both Cason and Bella said when they came down "It's actually 6:00 but who cares it's Christmas morning" I say.

"Ok well good morning kids sorry to just barge in but you know how Jenna gets on Christmas so why don't we open some gifts" My mom said "Wait we have to wait for Lucas" Bella says and just as she said that the doorbell rang and my dad went and got it and who was standing there non other than "LUCAS" Bella said as she ran and gave him a big good morning kiss.

"Well now that everyone is here let's open presents" My mom said, we all went around opening each others gifts "No way you got me new underwear babe thanks" Lucas said giving Bella a big kiss and after that we all went to shower and get ready for the day.

After we were all fresh and ready to start the day I grabbed Cason and asked if he wanted to go for a walk with me and so that I could give him his amazing gift.

We walked along the beach front that was not far from his house and talked for a while until while holding hand witch was nice but I was still angry at him for kissing that girl at prom but anyway  we stayed like that until we came to a stop.

"So just wait here for a sec and I will go get your gift" I say to Cason. When I came back Cason eyes almost blew out of his head and his mouth was just about on the ground when he saw me "Is this real or am I dreaming" He said "This is real Cason merry Christmas" I said "You really got me a dog" He said kneeling down to pet the dog "Of course I know how much you like them and how much you have always wanted and because I tried to get you that thing that I had broke before we started the war but I couldn't find it so I got you the dog instead" I said.

"You really are amazing" He said "I know the dog is amazing" I say "No I mean you you are amazing" He said getting back up "I have something for you as well" He said putting his hand in his back pocket and taking out a small box "I got this for you it reminds me of how you have this sweet innocent side to you but when someone wants to play you aren't afraid to fight and play back" He said holding a gold neckless with a rose "The rose shows that no matter how sweet it  looks if you play with it you will get pricked" He said.

"Cason this is beautiful thank you" I said as he swirled me around to put the neckless on "You're welcome" He said Cason and I were now staring into each other's eyes and before I knew what was happing Cason kissed me and it was the best Christmas gift I could ever get but I pushed him away "Cason no we can't we can't do this to Bella" I said "Hey weren't you the one that said Bella doesn't own us and we can date who we want plus she doesn't hate me anymore so what's the problem" He said "I know what I said but its not just that at prom I saw you kissing some girl and I thought that when Bella said you were a player she was just saying it to make me not like you but when I saw you kiss that girl it just made me upset" I said.

"Jenna I was not kissing some girl I didn't even go I was with Miss Rogers helping her to dance because let's just say she might like one of the teacher and then after that I went home" He said "So you didn't kiss that girl" I asked "No the only girl that I want to kiss is you" He said "Me... me Cason as much as I want to kiss you to I can't I'm sorry merry Christmas" I said and then ran off and far aways as I could so much for a happy Christmas.

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