Chapter 2: Project Announcement

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English class was the last lesson of the day and I was so not looking forward to going. As I entered the class I was happy to see that Cason was not there but at the same time I was wondering where he was because I know that Miss Rogers hates it if we are late and Cason is already 3 minutes late. "Hey sorry I am late I forgot that I was in the advanced english class now" Cason said as he walked in looking unbothered "Well all my students know that I hate it when they are late but for today I can make an exception" Miss Rogers said. 

As Cason saw me he walked to the back of the class and took a seat right next to me, he didn't even say hi or anything and I hope it stays like this for the whole year. The next few hours was ok and we were pretty much just learning new stuff and going over some of the work we did before so that Cason was all caught up, not long after the day was over and I had gone over to Bella to make sure she was alright and so that I can tell her about my day and give her all the homework she has witch wasn't that much and after a few minutes she had finished and we just talked about random stuff until it was time for me to leave.

The next few weeks were smooth and Cason and I barely even spoke to each other unless it was to ask a question or to to help get an answer for english.  We had done about two tests and a few tasks witch went well as I knew everything and what was going on, where as Cason on the other hand would fall asleep during the lesson and I had to try so hard not to laugh because is head was bobbing up and down. 

"CASON!" Miss Rogers yelled when she saw that he was fast asleep "Wake up right now", "Ok i'm up" Cason said as he started to act like nothing even happened. After that there was about 2 minutes left before the lesson was over and Miss Rogers always let's us leave a minute early being the nice teacher she is. Just as we were all getting up to leave she made us stay back to tell us something "Alright everyone we will take a break on the work for the next two weeks as it was project week" She said project week is the best because there is no school work for a whole two weeks and kids just have to work on getting there projects done but we were all scared because we had no idea what this weeks project would be.

"Everyone pls come and take a paper from me this will tell you what the project is and who you will be paired with" She said handing out a paper to everyone as I looked down at my paper I felt like jumping into a dark hole to die, the paper read (The Baby Project) and I was paired with non other than Cason Anderson why of all people would I be paired with Cason, and not only that I would have to be spending a whole two weeks with him I would have to look after a baby with him so glad it's not a real baby but still I hate it. 

"That's it everyone have a nice rest of your day I will see you back here tomorrow to discuss the project" Miss Rogers said and with that I was out the door and ran straight home to call Bella and tell her the news since Bella doesn't do English as she has always struggled with reading  pronouncing hard words. (Hey this is Bella if you are hearing this it means I am out at the moment pls leave a message) "Bella hey you need to call be back right now I have to tell you something bye" I said putting the phone down after that I just sat on my bed and looked at the paper Miss Rogers gave (The Baby Project).

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