Chapter 8

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Kim watched Adam as he slept, thankful they didn't have to go in to work today, she wasn't ready to face everyone. She knew she needed to call her parents and let them know what was going on, she just didn't have the strength yet. She felt like such an idiot, looking back on it she can't believe she found Ray even the slightest bit attractive.

Adam rubbed his eyes "how long have you've been awake?" He asked her "you should've woke me up" he told her as he got out of the bed "you hungry?" He asked as he went in the bathroom, he was gone a few minutes "I can cook a mean bowl of cereal" he laughed as pulled a t-shirt over his head and pulled sweats on "seriously it's world famous, the marshmallows are amazing" he smiled.

"Really Adam, you eat cereal with marshmallows in it?" a genuine laugh escaping her lips the first in days "what are you six years old"

"Hey, don't knock lucky charms, they're damn good!" He laughed as he pulled her into a kiss, it surprised him when she pulled him down on top of her, pulling the shirt over his head breathless he asked "are you sure?"

She tugged at his waistband "what do you think?" She teased.

Ray had searched the entire apartment and had come up empty, she had nothing that had the pretty boy's last name or address anywhere. She had smartened up in the five she had been gone.

Finally he decided he would wait her out, she would have to come home so one or later and when she did he would be waiting. He decided to go shopping for groceries he knew it was risky for him to be out and about, positive Kim had told Officer Scrawny Ass everything and he probably ran his mouth to his officer friends.

He stocked up on the essentials and headed back to the apartment, he was a patient man and he always got what he wanted ever since he was a kid his darling mother making sure of it.

"That,was exhausting" Kim said "how about you make me a bowl of your famous Lucky Charms?" She asked him.

"Oh, now my culinary skills are suitable?" He teased her "darlin', anything for you" he said as he pulled his sweats back on.

Kim watched him as he left, trying to figure out she had gotten so lucky and why the hell Wendy had let him go.

Adam returned with a tray and two bowls of cereal, "Kim" he said seriously "I love you" he said as set the tray down "no one is going to hurt you ever again" he told her.

She smiled "you know when you say it I believe it, and I don't feel broken with you, I love you Adam Ruzek"

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