Chapter 20

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Ray couldn't believe it, the son of a bitch crossed him. "Do you know who the fuck I am?" he yelled to the two patrol officers in the front seat.

"Yea, you shot a cop" the one yelled back at him "now, shut the hell up" he said as they left for the police station.

"Shit" Ray whispered, he knew this one wouldn't be so easy to get out of it. He was positive that 'Eric' most likely had on a wire, so they had him to dead to rights.

"When are they extraditing him, boss?" Jay asked when Hank and Eric showed up at the 21st, "he's ours, right?"

They all wanted to get their hands on Ray Thompson, "I don't know, Halstead" Hank replied, "it's not going to be simple at all, Thompson's from a prominent albeit dysfunctional family, they're going to fight it" he said, hoping they wouldn't win.

"This guy" Hank said as he put his arm around Eric's shoulder "he got us the rat bastard, thank you for that" he smiled.

Eric shifted his weight on his heels, he hated being the center of attention "it's no big deal, Hank, the guy shot a cop" he said "shit like that shouldn't be on the streets" Eric's own father having been killed in the line of duty, Hank stepping in and being sort of a surrogate father.

Jay went to Eric "thank you, we owe you a beer or two, and I'm sure Adam will want to thank you as well" he shook his hand and noticed a tattoo on Eric's arm "special forces?"

Eric nodded, "yea, you too?"

"Three tours of duty, two in Iraq and one in Afghanistan" Jay told him, "sandbox was never fun"

Eric laughed "never fun, but never boring" he said. "I did two in Iraq"

Al parked and followed the path to Adam's apartment, he knew the kid would be thrilled to know they had caught Thompson.

"Adam, Al's here" Kim yelled from the living room, Adam back in the bedroom.

"Hey Kim, how are you?" Al asked as she welcomed him in, "Adam driving you crazy yet?"

Kim laughed "can I get you a beer or anything?" She asked him.

"Water would be nice, I'm still working" he said as he sat down, Adam limping into the living room "how's the leg, kid?"

Adam carefully sat down "it's alright, what brings you here?"

Al set the bottle of water on the coaster "We got him" was all he said.

Adam smiled "thank you, hey Kim, did you hear that, they got him" he yelled Kim running in.

"That's great news" she was trying not to cry, she sat beside Adam.

Al leaned back "he's in custody, but Detroit has him, Voight set up a sting and they nabbed him" he said "we are trying to extradite him, but we expect a fight"

Kim sighed and released Adam's hand "you'll get a fight, and he will probably win, his parents have a lot of pull in Detroit".

Adam could feel Kim tense, he wished she would talk to him about what was going on, but she refused to tell him anything else and he didn't want to pressure her "Kim, he's not going to get near you" he told her, he wouldn't let it happen "its going to be okay"

"I just wanted to keep you guys in the loop, we aren't going to let him hurt you Kim" Al said as he hugged her "we aren't going to give up on him, this isn't Detroit, his mommy and daddy can't buy his way out of this"

"Hey" Adam said as he watched her play with the bracelet on her wrist "do you want to talk about it, you can tell me anything" he pleaded with her "please"

She sighed as she went to the kitchen, Adam left sitting on the couch.

He finally got up and followed her in, "Kim whatever it is, I don't care" he said as he came up behind her wrapping his arms around her waist.

She turned in his embrace, she was not going to talk about Ray "what happened with Ty, tell me" she said changing the subject, she knew Adam had been bothered by seeing Ty the other day.

"Ty's a dick" Adam grunted "and you're changing the subject"

"Listen, I just don't want to talk about it right now," she knew he wouldn't let it go "I promise Adam we will talk about it, just not tonight"

Adam knew she wouldn't budge "alright, you win"

Kim turned to him and smiled "don't I always"

"Hey, when are you going to let me call my attorney?" Ray asked, they had taken his belongings including his watch, he had no idea how long he had been in the interrogation room but it felt like hours. "Hey!" he yelled again, neither one of the cops lifting their head up from the magazines they were reading.

"You hear something, Delaney?" Detective Smith said.

"Nope, don't think I did Smitty" he laughed .

"Keep it up, and I'll have both your badges" Ray yelled he was going crazy in the tiny room, he knew they could hear him. He had been in his fair share of interrogation rooms to know they had it wired.

They finally relented and brought in the phone "you get one call, choose wisely" Detective Delaney said as he said opposite Ray.

"Can I get some privacy?" Ray said as he dialed the family attorney's number, he sighed when the detective didn't budge "whatever"

As soon as he told the secretary his name, she immediately got Aaron on the phone, Aaron telling Ray to keep his mouth shut and he was on his way.

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