Chapter 16

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"In here please"Dr Wilkins said to the crowd waiting to hear an update on Adam, slowly they filed in Kim and Bob sitting in the two chairs. "Adam made it through surgery, he lost a lot of blood and needed a transfusion" he sighed "it looks like we are out of the woods, he's going to be tired and weak but he should recover without any major complications"

The group releasing a collective sigh, "when can we see him?" Kim asked, she needed to see for herself that he was okay.

"Now, I will take you to him" Dr Wilkins told her, "I know you're all anxious to see him, but let's keep visitors to a minimum" he said, he understood the bond they had, his own father a firefighter.

"Ruzek is going to be ok, why don't we had back to the 21st and catch this son of a bitch" Hank said to them "Burgess, at least two uniforms will be on this room and in the hospital at all times, and at your apartment too" he told her.

"I'm not leaving Adam" she said "I'm staying here"

They each left, Kim waited while Bob went and sat with Adam for a few minutes, she watched from the window. The color had returned to Adam's face and if she didn't know better she would have thought he was sleeping, the bruised side of his face hidden from her view.

She watched as Bob stood and kissed Adam's forehead and headed out "your face is the one he's going to want to see when he wakes up" he smiled "just please call me when he wakes up, no matter the time" he asked her, he was dreading having to tell Adam's mother who was out of town on business "I still need to call his mom, wish me luck" he gave her a half hearted smile.

Kim sat in the chair opposite Adam, she pushed the hair out of his face the product he had put in finally losing its hold, she kissed his lips softly. Sitting down she lifted his hand and brought it to her lips, tears falling freely. She felt his fingers slowly tighten around her's, his eyes fluttering.

She stood "Adam?" She said watching as he struggled to open his eyes fully, he groaned as he woke up "hey" she whispered.

"Hi" he replied, as reached out to touch her face, his voice soft "you're okay,right?"

"I am now, I'm so sorry" she told him.

"Why?" he asked her, Thompson he remembered getting a shot off and he was sure he hit him, everything else was fuzzy. "Jay's jacket?" he asked remembering Jay saying something about his jacket.

Kim laughed softly "yes, Jay's jacket, he used it to try and stop the bleeding" shuddering at the memory of the floor covered in Adam's blood as was Jay "you owe him a new one"

Adam smiled "I owe him more than that" he grabbed Kim's hand "how did they know?"

Kim felt her eyes fill with tears as she thought back "when you told me to run, I called them on my way to my car" she told him.

"Please don't cry" Adam said he wanted to hold her but his whole body hurt " did they get him?"

"No, Antonio tried to find him, but they think he had a car waiting for him" she explained "when he first came outside, he's said 'he's gone' and I thought he was telling me that you had died, I was so scared Adam"

"I'm okay" he said "it's over now, I'm okay" he told her wishing he could hold her in his arms, but settled with holding her hand.

"No,it isn't Adam" she said her voice filled with anger "not until they catch Ray"

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