Chapter 22- Cry

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Previously on Thanatos.

"Don't you dare going near any other men. You don't want to face an angry General " He said and I knew what he wanted to say.

I know I'll always be a stranger to his world.

I entered our room. The conversation we had earlier was bouncing inside my head and it was somehow making me dizzy.

I recall the words I had said to him and cover my face realising I was talking to the General of our country and teaching him the meaning of Pain and what not nonsense.

None but I am aware that my mind is playing with me and I am letting it play with me. Whenever General does something good for me I consider it as something special but that's not true.

He is General and it's his work to care about his people. He cares about everybody. I should never forget that.

What about the time when he announced you as his wife?


I should question him on this subject but now it's not the right time for it but I will.


I don't know when? I don't think I have the courage to ask him, specifically now when we are going visit the outer part of Kingdom.


I gasp and cover my mouth in realisation. Just because I stay close to General doesn't really mean anything. Today I stand beside him, tommorow I could be thrown.

"You had enough for today and the only favour you could do for yourselves is by staying quiet." I said pointing my fore finger towards me.

I won't get manipulated by her anymore. From hereforth I declare to listen to my heart and do what's best for my survival, avoiding my mind.

"Didn't I tell you to take rest." General voice boomed from behind and my heart jumped inside. He startled me.

"I didn't hear that." I said to him.

Courage. That's not what we decided to do?

"Do you want me to repeat myself?" General asked with his raised eyebrow. It was useless to push his button when he was already in sour mood.

"No." I answered him quickly and walked towards the bed to sleep.

Hold on!

"You must sleep with me." I said to him and saw his lips twitch at the corner.


"What if you run away when I am asleep. I have to make sure you take me with you." I said looking at his shoulder because it was hard to look at his eyes.

So damm hard.

He took a deep breath and walked towards me. I looked at him for couple of seconds and sat on the edge of the bed.

I was afraid he would leave without me and I wanted to accompany him at any cost. Queen seems to have plans for me and it's not a Good one, I know for sure.

I was lost in my thought when he came and stood in for t of me .

"Sleep." He commanded but I made no move. I never would have the power to defy him but it all sums up to survival.

"Why it's difficult for you to listen?" He shouted and I tried to back out but I was on the edge which had no escape.

"Answer me!" He shouted again and my body trembled under his presence.

I didn't answer him and slowly crawled under the duvet and closed my eyes. I knew it was rude for me to act this way but I couldn't help it. I was acting stubborn.

I heard him sigh in annoyance but decided to stay still on the bed. I could be killed for this.

I stayed like that with only one determined, to stay awake. I covered the duvet up to my head so he couldn't see the tears falling on the pillows.

It was hard to cry silently. I covered my mouth with one of my hands to stop my muffing sound.

No sound could be heard and I still lay still for more confirmation, soon I heard the door shut down with a thug and I knew he was gone.

My tears fell down like rain and my sobs turned into wail. I cried for every reasonable experience I have faced since birth.

I cry for the day I got lost in forest. I cry for the day I entered Mount Zipon. I cried for the day I lost my parents.
I cry for the way general treats me because I can't understand him. I cry for myself.

I tried to stay awake. I really did but kept on failing with passing seconds. Do crying drain your energy?

I can't fall asleep. I have to stay awake. I assumed one hour had passed by when I felt hands on my waist.

The roughness of the hands were easy for me to know that it was his. He was holding my waist gently and hands placed on his chest.

I feel him breath on my forehead and..... WHAT???

My eyes open up alert and Boom* I see myself being wrapped under his body. His left hand on my waist while my head resting on his right arm which had secured my body.

My head under his chin and my hands placed on his chest. I feel his presence so safe and comforting. I look up to his face and see him sleep peacefully.

He was beautiful.

I take my hands off his chest and touch his eyelashes. O Gosh! they sure are huge for a huge men like him. I bet he doesn't appreciate it much. If only he was a women.

"You took longer to wake up"

He look right into me when he spoke and I felt small. I took my hands away and mentally slapped myself.

"You didn't wake me" I told him and tried to get up but it's not easy when General holds you.

"How could I, when she cries like a child." He said a bit coldly and let me go. Aaahhh that's a insult.

"I wasn't crying." I told him walked inside the bathroom.

"I want to believe you" He told from behind and I hurriedly closed the door.

I looked myself in the mirror and my eyes looked puffed. They were slightly red too. My face looked dull and this is the official sign of crying.

Keeping everything aside for a moment I freshen up as fast as possible and walk out of bathroom. Two maids were ready to dress me up.

I still think it's unnecessary for me to have them but I don't argue for now. I am glad I am dressed up little lighter then the rest of the day. After they finish up I see Master Ares enter our Room.

I open my mouth to question him about General when I see him enter behind him.

"I see why we are late" Master Ares says with an smile. However that smile doesn't light up my mood.

"We shall proceed. If it's alright with you Miss?" Master Ares asks me, I very well know he is making fun of me.

"Hmm" I say and see his smile grow huge. General signals me to follow him and I move towards him.

We three walk towards the back of the Palace. Maybe the kingdom isn't aware of our leaving or for safety purpose.

I saw not more but about ten soldiers standing with their horses. This scene in front of me gave me lots of doubts.

In my memory when Queen comes to visit there's about hundreds of soldiers not just her even when the members of council walk out of Aurum there's so many soldiers and knight's accompanying them.

Then why not for him?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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