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In 1984, Sarah Connor was just an ordinary waitress and university student when she fell prey to the T-800, a Terminator from the future that would stop at nothing to fulfill its intention of terminating her in order to prevent the birth of her son, John Connor. However, Kyle Reese, a soldier from the future, was sent by John to protect his mother in 1984. John, Sarah found out, would be the key to victory in the war against the machines.

After conceiving John with Kyle and watching Kyle perish at the hands of the T-800, Sarah finally terminated the T-800 in a hydraulic press.

In 1985, Sarah gave birth to John and began preparing him for his future role as a great military leader.

Ten years later, Sarah was put under psychiatric care after wreaking havoc on a computer company. John, then 10, took up a life of delinquency and regressed from his training until he was attacked by the T-1000, another Terminator model from the future. To protect John, John's future self sent a reprogrammed T-800. With the help of the newly reprogrammed T-800, John bailed his mother out of psychiatric care while outrunning the T-1000.

On their way south of California, the T-800 explains that Miles Dyson, a cybernetics scientist, would be responsible for the creation of Cyberdyne, a military program that will become self-aware, mass produce Terminators, and cause a global genocide known was Judgment Day on August 26, 1997. To prevent Judgement Day, Sarah drives to Miles Dyson's house and attempts to terminate him, but is stopped by her son. John and the T-800 calmly explained to Dyson how the future may occur should he continue with Cyberdyne Systems. Dyson agreed to destroy all traces of his project and himself to prevent such events from occurring.

Once all traces of Cyberdyne were destroyed, the T-1000 chased Sarah, John and the T-800 into a steel mill. With the efforts of Sarah and the T-800, the T-1000 ultimately met its demise in a vat of molten steel. Despite John's protests, the T-800 terminates itself in the same manner, ensuring the prevention of Judgement Day. Sarah and John continue their off-grid nomadic life.

But before the events of the steel mill and the supposed destruction of Cyberdyne, Sarah Connor restlessly sits in the Dyson's dining room, biding the little time she and her son have left.

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