Chapter 33: Crumbles

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Sarah knew exactly what John was feeling, seeing Reyna being taken away from him just like how Kyle was taken away from her

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Sarah knew exactly what John was feeling, seeing Reyna being taken away from him just like how Kyle was taken away from her. But now was not the time to grieve. He would grieve for the rest of his life but not now, not when they were so close to ending this.

"Come on, John!" Sarah yells, pulling the rest of her bombs and two gas masks from her pack. She tries not to cringe as she sees the third gas mask in her pack, which was supposed to be for Reyna.

John swings and leaps his way over to his mother with a set jaw and shadows in his eyes. Sarah hands him a gas mask and they leap on a walkway close to the wall and the emergency exit.

"She didn't try." John whispers.

"Don't be ridiculous, she did." Sarah says as she attaches some bombs to the concrete wall.

"SHE DIDN'T TRY HARD ENOUGH!" John sobs, hiding his tears behind his gas mask.

Sarah activates the bombs and pulls a gas mask over her face. "Look John, she may not have tried hard enough for your standards, but now we try. We try for her."

John only nods and follows his mother to the emergency exit. Once they exited the building and entered the parking lot, they sprint towards the line of trees. Sarah presses the final activation button.

John's future with Reyna and the terrible future called Judgment Day that they would never have to face, crumbles down with Techro.

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