Lena laughed gleefully as she twirled around joyfully.

"Oh, the most wonderful day that has ever been!" Lena exclaimed, spinning around with an octopus. She turned back to see her best friends trailing behind.

"Come on, Coral! Come on, Vink, you slowpoke!" Lena called.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" Vink pants tiredly.

"How are swimming so fast?" Coral called. "Slow down, Lena. Vink and I can't keep up!" Lena just swam ahead of the two.

"I never should have told her. If I knew she was going to act this way, I would have never told her." Vink regretted telling Lena about her surprise birthday party.

"I told you not to tell her, blabbermouth," Coral yelled at Vink.

"I'm sorry, Coral." Vink said. "You know I'm not good at keeping secrets." Coral just rolled her eyes.

"Come on, let's just catch up with the birthday girl," Coral replied, swimming faster.

Lena said, "I can't wait to get to the castle," as she swam through a tunnel.

"When am I going to learn to keep my big mouth shut?" Vink said to himself.

"Never," Coral muttered under her breath as she and Vink swam faster to catch up with Lena.

"Just think, everyone will be there," Lena dreamed.

Coral shouted, "Lena slow down!" to the mermaid princess.

Lena stopped calling back to the fish she had scared and instead invited them to the birthday party.

"Ooh, promise me you won't tell Princess Tris that I told you about it?? Please Lena! I don't want your sister angry with me. I wasn't supposed to tell..." Vink pleaded.

Coral grinned and said, "She won't. I might." as she swam away.

"Not funny, Coral," Vink glared at the brown-haired mermaid.

The two mermaids and dolphin arrived at the castle for Lena's birthday party.


As Lena, Vink and Coral swam into the ballroom, they saw Tris ordering her sisters to hurry up before Lena arrived.

All of Lena's sisters wished her a happy birthday.

"Oh, it's perfect. It's all just fantastic. This is going to be the most wonderful party ever! Oh, how can I ever thank you all?" Lena smiled.

Coral swam into the ballroom and saw that seaweed covering the walls like streamers, with starfish hanging like decorations.

"Wow! You guys did a great job," Coral grinned, putting her hands on her hips.

"Thanks, Coral," one of Lena's sisters said.

Tris swam towards Lena, saying, "You aren't even supposed to be in here. You weren't supposed to see the decorations until tonight."

Tris grabbed Lena's arm and led her to her bedroom, while Coral helped Lena's other sisters set up.


Lena was swimming with the pearl-adorned headdress that Tris gave her.

"That headdress is very pretty, Lena," Coral said as she swam alongside Lena. "Oh, I almost forgot, I got you a present too."

"You did?" Lena asked.

"Yep," Coral said, handing Lena a seaweed-wrapped gift.

Lena opened the box to reveal a pair of pearl earrings similar to Coral's.

"Oh, Coral! You're the best," Lena grinned.

"You're welcome. I asked Tris what she was getting you, so I asked her if our gifts could match," Coral explained.

"Maybe I'll wear them when I meet my handsome prince," Lena said as she danced with a statue of a human.

Coral reminded Lena, "You know the rules; we can't go to the above world."

"But your mother was once human," Lena replied.

"Yes," Coral said, with her hands on her hips. "Who knows what would have happened if my father hadn't asked your father to turn her into a mermaid?"

"I know. I know. I'm sorry, Coral. Can you ever forgive me?" Lena pleaded with puppy-dog eyes.

Coral looked at her for a second and sighed. "Yes, I'll forgive you."

Suddenly, a whirlpool appeared and dragged Lena, Vink, and Coral up into the above world.

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