Lena asked, "Coral, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay," Coral replied.

"Okay, we're here. Let's go," Vink said in a rush to get back to the underwater kingdom.

"Are you kidding?" Lena replied as she swam away.

"I was afraid you would say that," Coral heard Vink murmur.

"Oh, come on Vink. Lighten up," Coral said, splashing her tail towards the dolphin.

"What are those puffy things?" Lena asked as she looked up at the clouds passing overhead.

Coral giggled. "My mom said those are called clouds."

Lena asked, "Clouds?"

"Yes," Coral replied.

"You know, we really are going to be late for your party. Your father's going to be very angry, and think of all the work your sisters went to." Vink said scratching his head.

"Vink, Coral, I want you two to do me a favor," Lena said, looking at the two.

"It depends on what it is," Coral said.

"No, absolutely not! I'm not gonna do it! The answer is no," Vink said, shaking his head.

"But you're my official royal pet. You're supposed to be my friend," Lena said to Vink before turning to Coral. "And you're my best friend, right, Coral?"

"But if we're your friends, then how do you always manage to get us into trouble?" Vink asked.

"Just go ahead of me, Vink. Please, Coral. Just tell father I'll be there soon," Lena pleaded.

"I don't know, Lena," Coral said uncertainty.

"Alright," Vink said.

"Fine," Coral said, looking defeated.

Coral and Vink dove back under the sea and told Lena's father about her staying in the above world.
"Humans? You actually saw more humans?" Coral asked Lena the next morning.

"Yeah," Lena replied, looking down. "Now my father is sending me to the Reef Cottage as punishment."

"Yikes! I'm sorry, Lena. I'll see you when you get back, okay?" Coral said as she gave Lena a hug.

"Yeah, okay," Coral heard Lena murmur as she swam off.
A while later, the Sea-King gave Vink and Coral permission to go get Lena and tell her that her punishment was over.

"Vink, Coral! You came to visit me!" Lena exclaimed happily upon seeing her friends.

"Not only that, we've got good news," said Vink. "Your father says you've been on the reef long enough; you can come back to the castle now."

"Great!" Lena cheered. "But first, I want to see how the prince is."

Lena covered her mouth after making that statement.

"The prince! So that's what you were doing up there for so long," Vink exclaimed.

"Aw! My Lena's all grown up! She's got a crush!" Coral teased.

"Not funny, Coral," Lena glared at the brunette mermaid.

"Oh, Vink, you've got to keep quiet," Lena whispered. "I rescued a handsome prince and brought him to an island." She paused to glance at the other mermaid.

Coral promised, "I won't say anything."

"Oh, but I have to make sure he's alright... I've just got to." Lena spoke determined.

"Well, we're not leaving you up there alone this time. Right, Coral?" Vink asked.

Coral smiled and said, "That's right."

"Do you mean you both will go with me?" Lena asked her friends.

Both Vink and Coral nodded. Lena grabbed Coral's hand, and Vink's fin, and swam up to the above world once more.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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