Tail's Plane

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Sonic:*walks over to Tails workshop*Hey Ta-


Sonic:*stops and eavesdrops on his conversation*

*Stick's voice is heard over Tail's communicator*

Sticks:You can put your plane in my cave

Tails:Uh you think it can fit?

Sticks:Pretty sure,it's not that big

Tails:Hey!Its pretty big compared to other planes....


Sticks:On second thought maybe it won't...

Tails:I can make it smaller

Sticks:You can?


Tails:Ya but I'll need your help,it's a two person job

Sticks:I'll be glad to help

Sonic:*almost barfs*

Tails:Ok,I'll be there in a few*hangs up and walks out*Oh hey Sonic!

Sonic:....hey Tails...

Tails:We can talk later,I've got to get to Sticks quick,I'm taking my plane to there too

Sonic:*mumbles*That shouldn't be hard considering its attached to you....

Tails:Ya-wait what?

Sonic:Your uh plane...

Tails:Ya,I have so many so Sticks offered to keep it in that cave near her burrow

Sonic:Wait plane?As in...a plane that you fly?

Tails:Well ya,what other planes are there?


Tails:What did you think I meant?


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