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Lizzie - it's been about 4 days since the both of you started your period. I've been helping out with the pain and giving cuddles when needed which was apparently the right thing since you are now off of your period. I walk out of my office once I finish saving what I needed to do. I walk into the living room finding you on the couch upside down, your feet in the air and head hanging off the couch. I chuckle and shake my head, baby what are you doing?

Y/n - I drop my phone beside me and look to Liz. Hanging off the couch, what does it look like? I say with a slight attitude and roll my eyes. I grab my phone again and go back to watching tiktok.

Scar - I heard what you said and shake my head knowing you're just being a brat which is my job. I walk over to you and pull you up to sit on the couch correctly and take your phone and putting it in my pocket. I then grab your chin roughly and say, you either apologize to lizzie or I'll punish you.

Y/n - I roll my eyes and say, sorry lizzie. I see Liz shake her head and then feel myself being bent over scarletts lap. I yell out, what the fuck?! As soon as I finish saying that I feel a very sharp smack to my bottom. I yelp at the harshness and yell out my safeword. RED!!!! I jump up and run up to my little room and slam the door shut and lock it. I slid down the door with a tear sliding down my cheek. I shut my eyes tightly as a flashback from when I was with my ex comes back hitting me harshly.

Scarlett - I'm frozen on the couch as Liz and I both watched you run upstairs after shouting your safeword. I don't know if I should give you space or to go check on you. I look to lizzie with a frown and whisper, I uh I don't know what to do.

Liz - I sigh softly and say, it's okay scar. Thank you for trying to help. I'll go check on her and then hopefully we can cuddle before lunch okay? I see her nod and look down towards the floor. I walk over and place a kiss on her cheek before walking upstairs. I gently knock on the door and say, y/n baby it's Liz, can I come in please?

Y/n - I hear Liz talking in a soft voice which slightly calms me down. I take some deep breaths and unlock the door and move out of the way. I see Liz poke her head through and then walk in shutting the door behind her. I bring my knees up to my chest and lay my head on my knees. I look at her with my eyes red from crying. I see her frown and kneel in front of me and bring her hand up to wipe my tears. I close my eyes so I don't flinch and lean into her touch. I whisper, I'm sorry.

Liz - oh, baby. I'm not sure exactly what happened but I accept the apology for how you acted towards me. But can I ask, what happened? What made you yell out your safeword? Hmm. I ask softly not wanting to be upset.

Y/n - I look down and say, I don't know why I was acting like that with you but when scarlett brought me over her lap very fast as well as hitting me that hard just brought flashbacks. I don't know. I uh I'm sorry.

Liz - I frown when I heard that it brought flashbacks and say, I'm sorry baby. Would you like a cuddle? I know you love cuddles with us. Also, I think it'd help scarlett feel better. She is thinking it's her fault that you safeworded.

Y/n - I nod my head and make grabby hands wanting to be held. I see her smile and bring me into her arms then standing up placing me onto her hip. I lay my head on her shoulder and place a soft kiss on her neck. I feel her place a kiss on my head before leaving the room and walking down the stairs. I hear her explain everything to scarlett which makes me frown at how I'm still haunted by what my ex did to me. I jump slightly feeling a hand on my back and turn to look and see scarlett. I smile and say, I'm sorry scarly. I love you. I hear her sigh in relief and lean to place a kiss on my head. "I love you too princess. Let's go up in bed and cuddle before we go out to lunch. Does that sound okay?" Scar says. I smile and nod my head and make grabby hands for her. She takes me from liz and we walk upstairs to our room we share.

Liz - we hop into bed and lay with each other. Scarlett is holding you since she still feels bad and I'm holding onto the both of you. I lay a kiss on your head and scarletts shoulder since that's what I could reach and say, I love you both.

Y/n - I smile and say, love you too mommy, you as well mama. I feel scar kiss my head and whisper, "close your eyes baby. Mommy and I will be here when you wake up. " I nod and listen to her, closing my eyes. I then hear her whisper, "good girl princess".

Liz - I smile at scarlett and whisper, happy birthday love. I know we didn't get to say it since the morning was hectic. Our princess and I have plans for you for tomorrow since we're free all day. I watch as scar smiles and her eyes light up.

Scar - you guys didn't have to do anything, just being with you guys will be amazing. We don't need to do anything at all.

Liz - babe, it's happening. This one came up with the idea so you can't say no. I watch her look down at you're sleeping face and lay a gentle kiss to your cheek. I smile and say, I think you'll like it anyways so don't assume you won't.

Scar - I nod my head with a smile and say, if it's from you or her then I know I'll enjoy it. Let's take a nap before lunch. It's been an exhausting day already. I see Liz nod while a yawn interrupts what she wanted to say. I chuckle lightly and pucker my lips for a kiss. She moves to hover over us and leans down to kiss me. I smile in the kiss and whisper, I love you so much my fiance.

Liz - I smile and say, I love you too, my fiance.

(1,157 words)

Ps.... I'm sorry it's taken me this long to write.

If you have any ideas for the "yes" day then comment or dm me.

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