Part XI

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Blaise stutters in his step, moving his wide eyes from Hermione to Ron and back like a deer caught in headlights. He can't decide if he wants to run or help Ron explain.

The silence stretches for seconds that seem like eternity until Hermione speaks up again.


"Uh," Ron clears his throat. "'Mione, what a coincidence. We were...just talking about you."

"Are you two...together?"

And there's something about the way she says it--the mild disgust, the disbelief--that makes Blaise narrow his eyes and straighten his stance. "We're--"

"Do you," Ron interrupts Blaise, looking at him with wild eyes. His voice is low when he faces Hermione. "Do you want to find a place to talk? We can go to the courtyard?"

"But," she points between them, still with that face. "Him?"

Ron rushes forward when Blaise makes an indignant noise and goes to launch at her, and he drags her down the hallway. He looks over his shoulder and jerkily motions for Blaise to follow after them.

"Merlin give me strength," Blaise sighs, and follows.

He gets to the courtyard in time to hear Hermione start the inevitable argument about Slytherins versus Gryffindors and he can't help but roll his eyes. Unfortunately, she catches it over Ron's shoulder.

"You!" She pushes Ron's shoulder quite harshly to march over to Blaise.

"Hey," Blaise shouts. "Do not treat him like that. If you are going to have a right piss about us being a couple then take it out with me. But do not treat him like that."

It stops Hermione in her tracks, her confusion is palpable. He tries to ignore the idiotic smile Ron is showcasing behind her. "What?"

"You are angry, or upset, or whatever it is, I understand. Have your cow with me. Leave him out of it."

"I'm not having a cow," she spits, crossing her arms. "I just don't see what he's doing with you. Or better yet, what you did to him to make him want to be around you. Potion? Jinx? What did you do?"

Ron opens his mouth to say something until Blaise raises his hand to stop him. He has his eyes narrowed at Hermione, and Ron knows he's trying to calculate exactly what to say to get her to back off and calm down at the same time.

"Granger," he starts. He tilts his head and steps closer, tentatively taking her hand. "I did not place any kind of spell on him. Nor did I jinx him, nor give him a love potion. You are more than welcome to assess him yourself with his permission, but I did not do any of the sort."

"Then why--"

"We're engaged."

Hermione's words die on her lips. She whips around to gape at Ron, her hand dropping from Blaise's. "You're what?"

"Engaged," Ron repeats. Blaise walks around her and takes Ron's extended hand. "We have a contract. I've been wanting to tell you, I just didn't know how or if it was the right time."

"You've been wanting to tell me? How long has this been a thing?"

Ron hesitates, then. His bottom lips plays victim to his teeth and he tightens his hold on Blaise's hand.

"For most of the school term," Blaise says. "Since before last summer. I made the contract."

"So you did force him into it!"


"You just said--!"

"We finalized it together!" Ron effectively silences her, and neither boys are able to read what Hermione is thinking. She looks confused, hurt, and a little crazy. "I found out about it a few months ago. And I agreed to the terms of the contract. We finalized it about two weeks ago."

Once again Hermione remains quiet, just looking between them and down at their hands. Finally, she blinks up at the sky. It had been overcast for a couple weeks but the sun was breaking through the clouds today, making the frosty air just a little more enjoyable.

"Does Harry know?"

A split second of silence tells her everything she needs to know. Her jaw drops in disbelief and there's little that Ron can do to appease her. "'Mione--"

"It is a long story, Granger. If you could take the time to listen to us--to him, it would help you understand the situation better. I could give you two time?"

Blaise looks down when he feels Ron give their hands an appreciative squeeze. He sends him a small smile.

"You," her voice is shaky, and it's only until she looks back down at their hands that Ron realizes there are tears in her eyes. "Are you happy?"

"The happiest I've been in a long time," Ron whispers. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you how much."

She sighs. "You...You know what you're doing, right?"

Ron presses his lips together. He nods. "It took me a while to figure it out. But...this is what I want. And I hope you can respect this decision, and all future decisions involving Blaise."

"I see. I won't be able to be your friend," she tells Blaise. "At least not yet. But it seems you have been taking care of Ron for long enough."

"I would not have arranged this if I thought I could not take care of him," Blaise whispers with finality. He gives Ron's hand a squeeze for good measure, and it catches Hermione's eye. "But I do not want you to desert your friend on behalf of me. My intention is not to take him away from you at all."

"Good. I wouldn't let you anyway."

"Then we are in agreement."

"Guys, I'm right here."

Hermione and Blaise look up at Ron and then back to each other. "I still need time to process," Hermione says.

"We understand," the Slytherin replies for both of them. "Take all the time you need."

* * * * * * *

They make it back to the tower after going to the Great Hall, Ron was complaining about needing a serving of roast before going to sleep. Blaise had urged him out to the lavatory to wash up so he could have time to finish his assignments. It was pointless--he knew Ron would just speed up his wash-up time to get back faster.

He's working on his Runes homework when Ron walks through the door, bringing the scent of clean linen with him. He's rubbing a towel on his head to dry his hair, wearing loose pants and a long sleeve.

"You know what I was thinking about in the shower?"

"What?" Blaise drawls. He's tapping the feathers of his quill against his temple as he goes back and forth between the parchment and the book.

"Christmas last year, when we were decorating the tree. You kind of gave me a hint about the contract."

Blaise stops and looks towards the ceiling as he recalls last Christmas. "Did I?"

"Well, not directly. But we were talking about Malfoy and his contract with Astoria. And then you said something about getting what you wanted in a partner."

"Oh," Blaise flushes as he turns around. Of course he remembers. He was cocky back then because he had made an entire marriage contract by himself and it had been approved by the council. "I do not seem to recall."

"So if you had already drafted the contract, and you knew it was my name on the other line, does that mean that you got everything you wanted?"

He rolls his eyes at Ron's clear attempt at a jab. Two can play at this game. "Well, you could be taller," he says nonchalantly. "It is good that you like sports, that makes you fit. You can do almost as many advanced spells as I can. You could also learn more languages."

His words die in his throat when Ron takes his chin and turns his head. He thumbs at his bottom lip, and very slowly places a chaste kiss over his mouth. "How many languages are we talking, here?"

"About two more, I would say."

Ron hums and kisses him again. "And you want me to be taller?"

"You couldn't even if you wanted to." Blaise curses himself for his error.

"I think you'd be surprised at what I would do for you."

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