The Midoriya's

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Villain deku:
Alias: Singular Army
Quirk: one for one
Description: the user can hold as many as 50 quirks which are copied, these quirks can merge and create sub quirks which don't count to the 50. This won't make quirk singularity with anything.
Other quirk(s):
Immunity, is immune to high and low temperatures, and even quirks.
Searcher, user can target one person and can see them through walls.
Sensitivity, the users senses are increased
Pain nullification, self explanatory
Longevity, makes the user age slower.
Balance, a huge up to one's balance that is superhuman. (Like one toe on a string)
Doll, user can create life-like versions of people and use them with their skill set or make the doll a voodoo doll.
Overhaul, can destroy or reform objects.
Blood curdle, can paralyze people for a few minutes.
Backstory: raised by his grandfather (AFO) he copies quirks he deems useful to his skill set.

Vigilante deku
Alias: Vulture
Quirk: none
Backstory: had a superhuman sense of his senses, when his parents found out he was quirkless they told him to never show his face to them as they raised him with a little care they left him for dead around the age of 13 where he became a vigilante with secret training throughout childhood. He became a formidable figure upon getting a title by the citizens. The wings of justice. He felt accepted as vulture so he kept that as his only identity. Though his freelance jobs kept him afloat he stayed in the streets to save as much as possible.

Insane Deku:
Alias: carver
Quirk: none
Backstory: after being diagnosed he was taken to a mental hospital that 'heals the mentally impaired' though he was held to the standards of an adult which later got all of them killed. All of the doctors, nurses, and other patients were killed by hand. It was found that he carved the walls then filled in the spaces with blood. Though the scene looked terrible police have yet to find half the bodies in the basement. This followed with apartment buildings, or extremely populated places where half the bodies weren't found, but found in pieces which the other parts of the bodies have yet to be found, in the freezers. He always carved parts of the walls, and took pieces and put them in places where they shouldn't.

Middle school:
Name: Izuku Midoriya
Quirk: none (yet)
You know his backstory.

Dead Midoriya
Name: Izuku Midoriya
Quirk: ghost
Description: after the user dies they can move from physical form, to ghost form. They can access the astral plane.
Other quirk(s):
Reverse time, user can turn back their age down to a second

(Aizawa is basically the same except for the vignette deku au he has way worse insomnia)

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