001- the gangster

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Chapter One - the gangster

"At your funeral what song do you want to play?"
"I'm not dying Emilia." Y/n clicked her tongue while her head rests in her hands that are placed on her school desk. Her best friend proceeds with her speech about the likely hood that Y/n will die today.
"Well you're not dying yet but if you meet with that gang bastard you will. Worry injects Emilia's eyes like a drug but y/n shrugs it off knowing there's nothing she can do but accept her fate. "Please don't go n/n. He's really big and scary and..."

"I have to go, if I don't he'll just come find me later and it'll be worse. I promise I'll try to be safe and text you after, ok?" The school bell interrupts her argument and the two girls pack away their belongings. "Cya tomorrow Em-" y/ns arm being grabbed broke her sentence.

"If it's a confession tell him you have a scary boyfriend. Gang members won't give up unless there's someone stronger than them they fear away from." Emilia forces a small smile at the end of her sentence in an attempt to reassure y/n of the idea before leaving the classroom.

As the room closed the noise of pupils chatting and their shoes clicking against the floor is silenced. Everything is silent. Y/n sighs as flings her satchel over her shoulder, mentally preparing herself to face an unknown gangster.


Walking towards the school gate, y/n sees a tall, wide-shouldered, man with a scar marking his brow and a cruel stare plastered on his face. Surprising for a gang member he was alone, just like he will be for the rest of his life with an attitude like that, y/n thought to herself.

As though he could hear her thought he looked up and made eye contact with the girl causing her to come to a sudden halt. Eyeing her down, the gangster stumped towards her, grabbing her arm to pull her aside from the exit. Y/N's instants kicked in causing her to attempt to move her arm away, however, it made no difference to the gangster as he continued dragging her until he reached the side of the school where he throw her against the wall, realising her from his grip.

"What the fu-"

"Be my girlfriend."  The gangster interrupted her with a deep, slightly threatening tone of voice.

Confusion and shock overwhelm y/ns face as she realises a total stranger has created small cuts on her arm and then asked her rudely to date him. "I don't even know who you are." Her tone was slightly louder than usual but she was careful to keep her calm.

"I'm your new boyfriend kaiser." His expression or tone never changed.

"I'm sorry but I refuse to be your girlfriend," Y/n stated in a sincere voice as she leaned on the wall to create as much distance as possible from the man. Silence stood for a few moments before his expression finally changed to show how pissed she made him.

Grabbing her school shirt collar, he pulls her closer to him. His brows narrow and his head tilts slightly down. "You will be my girlfriend or I will beat you every day until your face can't be recognised by your own mother. And when I say beat, I don't just mean me, I mean my whole gang and some of them like to have weapons and don't know when to stop hitting."

The tension was as thick as a knife is sharp. Silence passed like the leaves in the wind. Y/n remained in eye contact with Kaiser as she finally spoke. "I have a really scary boyfriend." Never in her entire life did she ever want to smack herself so hard.

"Oh really." He remarked in a mocking tone.

"Yes really."

"Well, who is it? Hmmm?" His voice was low but insulting, a sense of entertainment was laced in his tone.

Mentally cursing herself for not thinking this far ahead and in a panic y/n stated the first gang member's name she could think of... Rindo Haitani.

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