003- rain running

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Walking home from school, I accepted the defeat that Rindou Haitani would not be my fake boyfriend and I would have to exclude his help from this mess. He didn't even meet me after school to tell me his answer like he promised he would. Sighing, I turned my attention to the sky, it was grey like rain is conducting in the clouds ready to fall on me any moment now.

I quicken my steps in hopes I can get home before the rain starts, I still have a way to walk. Turning the corner into an alleyway I notice that gangster from yesterday....oh god what was his name again? Mike? Steve? Ok, those are just generic names I know fuck.  I go to turn around in hopes he wouldn't spot me, unfortunately as I went to run two new gangsters appeared in front of me.  They wore dark grey uniforms with an oddly designed logo on the side of the arms, they must be part of a gang I haven't heard of before. Must be a gang of assholes.

"Where are you running off to y/n?"Kaiser yelled in my direction. "You can't get away from me this easy, you know?"

"I told you to leave me alone! I don't like you." When I said that the two men behind me moved closer to me so I was forced to move closer to Kaiser who was on the other end of the alley.

"Where's your boyfriend? He shouldn't let you walk alone, I hear there's often danger in alleyways" he laughed to himself while eyeing me up and down.

My immediate response was to send a death stare which seems to be pissing him off. However I have to sort out this mess on my own, I can't lie my way out of Rindou isn't on my side. "Rindou isn't my-"

"Grab her." Kaiser interrupted me and the aggression in his voice silenced me from speaking. Grabbing my arms the two men held onto me, their grip is tight, I need to do something.

Kaiser walks closer.

I need to do something.

Kaiser walks closer.

I need to do something quick.

Struggling to get out of the grip, Kaiser was now standing in front of me. But then in the blink of an eye, a leg appears from nowhere knocking Kaiser unconscious with a direct kick to the head. My eyes follow his body as he hits the ground, raising my head I looked eyes with Rindou Haitani. He had knocked Kaiser, who is much bigger than Rindou, out with one kick. My mouth slightly fulls open in shock.

Rindou then ran forward at the guy holding onto my right arm. He jumped in the air using his two legs to stab into the guy's stomach, leading to the guy immediately falling backwards onto the floor, whereas Rindou landed standing on top of him.

The guy to my left then let go of me, pushing me to the side to punch Rindou but without missing a beat Rindou catches his hand and bends his arm until his wrist cracks. Rindou then punches him straight in the face making him fall unconscious to the ground.

For a moment I blanking stare at him while I process everything that just happened. Rindou then starts walking close to me and messes with my hair. "Come on, let's go," he calmly says while starting to walk away.

"Wait- what... go where?"

"To my place, I'm gonna be your fake boyfriend but we need to talk over the details first. I've come up with a kind of- plan." Rindou answers without looking at me then starts walking again.

Just as he said that the rain finally started to fall, in response he let out a grunt of annoyance. Scanning me he noticed I have no coat or umbrella with me. Taking off his jacket he holds it over his head to protect himself from the rain then tilts his head in my direction to invite me under it too. I quickly get under it and then Rindou starts running? In shock, I run too as he stretches his arms to make sure I stay under his jacket. We both start smiling as we run trying to hold back our laughs at running in the rain as we make our to Rindou's home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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