002 - flounder

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Bam! Y/n hits her head on her school desk. "Dumb!" Bam! "Dumb!" Bam! "Dumb!" Bam!

"You know personally I think banging your head against your desk is only gonna make you dumber." Emilia mocks y/n as she giggles to herself at the desk next to the h/c girl.

"I can't believe I said Rindos name. I'm never even spoken to him. Sighing to herself y/n brings her head up from her desk and faces Emilia. Emilia has deep green eyes and highlighted brown hair, she's a lot taller than y/n as she's one of the tallest girls in their year. Y/n loves their friendship but hates when she has to admit her dumb actions to her which she has to do now. "Well, I guess I'm off to go tell him." Y/n gets up from her desk and starts walking to Rindos homeroom.

Once at the room, y/n pops her head through the door to scan the room, finding the younger Haitani sleeping at the back of the class, the two seats next to him clear of students due to the fear the other classmates have towards him. As y/n was about to enter the room, Emilia appeared behind her, making the girl jump in shock. "Is he in there?"

"Yeah, he is. He's sleeping at the back." Nodding to y/ns answer, Emilia moves in front of her to view the boy.

"Bros hair looks like an IKEA advert." Emilia boldly states.

"Emilia!" Y/n whisper yells.

"I'm just saying, bro looks like flounder...or a highlighter pack..or a beach ball or.."

"Emilia!" Y/n interrupts. "I gotta go speak to him and if I start viewing him as flounder the fish I'm not gonna be able to hold in my laugh."

"Sorry," Emilia answered while slapping y/ns back and walking back to her class in order to let y/n speak to the fish- I mean boy.

Taking a deep breath y/n walks into the room and approaches the sleeping delinquent. She approaches him slowly, worried about how his reaction will be to her news, especially since they've never spoken before. When she reaches him she hesitantly and gently touches his shoulder until he wakes up. His eyes immediately pierce daggers at her and the whole class turns to watch the interaction after he suddenly yells "What the fuck do you want."

"Wow.. you're rude." Y/n mentally slapped herself as she has already insulted the gangster in the first moment of meeting him, when in reality she needed him on her side.

"Oi, what did you call me?" Rindo rhetorically answered with a hint of aggression in his voice.

This boy is like a baby when it's woken up from its nap, y/n thought to herself. "Sorry, but I need to talk to you about something serious." He stared at her blankly, mocking an 'I don't care' face. "Please it's important...if it wasn't you wouldn't have a stranger come up to you."

A moment of silence in the class passed as the students wondered what Rindo's reaction would be, as a result of that he yelled again, "Everyone get out!" To the girl's surprise, everyone did leave the classroom very quickly until it was just the two of them left. After y/ns eyes scanned the room she made eye contact with Rindo until he broke their silence. "You can speak now bitch."

Y/n had to swallow her again for a moment and take a deep breath in order not to yell at Rindo for calling her a bitch, Rindo picked up on her reaction and smirked to himself, finding her reaction amusing. Y/n then explained the events that has happened to her yesterday after school, how a gangster threatened her to date him and in response, she lied saying Rindo was her boyfriend, to her surprise he didn't interrupt her story at all and just watched her in a cool manner.

"You're a funny girl you know," Rindo responded to her story with amusement laced into his voice.

"My name is y/n, not girl or bitch." She exaggerated the word bitch to express her displeasure with the word which made him chuckle. "Well now you know- what do I do? Should I go on with the lie or do you want me to keep you out of it, either way, I understand."

Rindo remained quiet for a second, thinking the idea of a fake girlfriend in his head, his facial expression was unreadable but she prefers that from when he looked pissed earlier. " I'll think about it and tell you by the end of the day. I'm only gonna do it if I can get something out of it."

Y/n was about to reply when the class bell went and everyone began to re-enter with the teacher leading them. Understanding this was her time to leave she awkwardly smiled towards Rindo and left the classroom at a fast pace to make it back to her room in time. Once the girl had left, Rindo smirked and quietly said to himself "She's pretty."

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