Take my hand and I'll take your heart.

15 0 0

Sabrina blushes while smiling.

"Will you...?" Eddie asks Sabrina

"Of course! I'd love to!" Sabrina says wiping her tears.

"Great! I'm so happy right now, I-I don't know what to even say!" Eddie says stumbling on his words.

Sabrina takes Eddie's hand and steals one of his rings and puts it on her pointer finger. Although the ring is slightly loose, it still looks gorgeous on her.

"Now why is my ring on your finger?" Eddie asks Sabrina laughing.

"Doesn't it look pretty?" Sabrina asks Eddie wiggling her fingers showing off the ring.

"Yeah, it looks nice.- Sabrina?" Eddie says.

"Yes Eddie?" Sabrina asks concerned.

"What's Steve going to say?" Eddie asks Sabrina

"Crap. What is he going to say?!" Sabrina replies sounding worried.

"It's okay. We can tell him together." Eddie suggests.

"Okay. Tomorrow?" Sabrina asks.

"Yeah. Tomorrow. Also, Sabrina, we have to tell him about your disorder. You can't keep this locked away forever." Eddie tells Sabrina looking at her nervously.

"I'll tell him. Don't worry. Hopefully he won't be rude. I doubt he will be."

"Okay Sabbi. Love you."

"Love you too!"

They both walk to their rooms and Sabrina opens her phone. Eddie just falls asleep. While Sabrina's on her phone, she gets a text. It's from Nancy. 'Hey, I thought we were going to meet up!' Sabrina had completely forgotten about the meet up with Nancy, Robin and Max. Sabrina texts her back. 'Sorry, I forgot. I'll ask Eddie now.'
Sabrina gets up and knocks on Eddie's door.

"Eddie? Are you awake?"

Sabrina gets no response. She goes back to her room and opens her phone again. She texts Nancy. 'Sorry, Eddie's asleep. I can't do it.' Sabrina then walks into the kitchen and grabs an apple. She stares at it. She eats some of it. She eats it until half of its gone. It hurts to eat. She throws the apple away then she runs to the bathroom and forces herself to throw up. She flushes the toilet, washes her hands, and leaves. She walks into the living room and goes through the bookshelf to find a book.

"Are you alright Sabbi?" Eddie asks Sabrina from afar.

"Oh, Eddie, you're awake." Sabrina says startled by the fact that Eddie was up.

"Yeah. Well, I heard you vomiting. Is everything okay?" Eddie asks Sabrina concerned about her health.

"I'm okay now. Nothing to worry about." Sabrina says nervously.

"Okay. Let me know if you don't feel well though." Eddie tells Sabrina looking at her like he just wants to help.

Sabrina nods her head as she walks into her room. She grabs her hair brush and starts brushing her hair while thinking. 'I should have said something else. He really wanted to help. Suddenly Sabrina hears soft knocking on her door.

"What's up Eddie?" Sabrina asks quietly assuming it's Eddie.

"Hey, Sabbi. I know you probably don't feel well but, I just wanted to have a delightful evening with you right now." The most delicate voice can be heard by Eddie as he's requesting time with his lovely new girlfriend.

"Of course I want to do something fun with you!" Sabrina responds kindly as she walks to open the door.

"You look so beautiful." Eddie mentions as he sees the elegance of his lady.

"Thank you. You look really handsome. What would you like to do?" Sabrina tells him as she too realizes that he looks beautiful.

Eddie holds out his hand for hers. Sabrina places her hand is his and she looks up at him.

"May I have this dance?" Eddie asks Sabrina smiling down at her cutely.

Sabrina's cheeks become rosey red as she stunningly grins.

"Yes you may. But Eddie, there's no music playing." Sabrina adds the conversation confused on what they'll dance to.

"Who said we need music Sabbi? We can dance all we want to the silent sound of nothingness." Eddie says grabbing her hand and running into the living room.

They both run holding hands and they stop to dance.

"This is quite entertaining!" Sabrina says admiring their time together.

They both laugh and smile as they dance together in the warm living room enjoying the precious moment. Eddie happens to make it more memorable by kissing her. He wraps his arms around her waist as they share this embrace.

"Sorry. I shouldn't have done tha-" Eddie tells Sabrina pulling away trying to apologize to her for kissing her unexpectedly.

Sabrina decides not to care and kisses him. After awhile, Sabrina quickly pulls

"Eddie, we were supposed to tell Steve about us today." Sabrina says sounding concerned.

"Sabbi, that's tomorrow. It's okay." Eddie says as he hears the worries in her voice.

"Oh yeah. Sorry. I forgot." Sabrina apologizes.

"Don't worry about it." Eddie tells Sabrina trying to calm her down.

Sabrina smiles. She walks into the kitchen to grab water and take her pill.

"I should go back to my room. I'm pretty tired actually. Goodnight darlin- Sabrina." Eddie says embarrassed that he almost called her darling.

"Goodnight darling. I love you." Sabrina says the word that Eddie couldn't blurt out. She looks at him as he walks off and smiles.

"By the way, I have a question for you." Eddie stops himself to go back to Sabrina to ask her something.

"What's going on Eddie?" Sabrina asks.

"Would you like to join Hellfire Club? It would be nice to have you there. Although Erica's good, I bet you would be better."

"I'd love too Eddie. I'd love too."

Sabrina follows Eddie into his room and gets on of his many Hellfire shirts and wears it to sleep.

"Night Edds."

"Night hon!"

I'm so sorry I was gone for awhile! Making this chapter took a lot of
do-overs and changes. I gave you guys an extra long chapter though.
I hope that makes up for it.


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