CHAPTER 2: Devon's Flashback

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“Devon, are you okay?” 

A familiar voice called out from the outside of the house, causing Devon to sit up and turn around. “Yeah Dad, I just needed to get my stuff.” She shouted, tucking a blue dog plush and a black handbag under her arm. 

Her dad walked into the house, the keys in his hand jiggling from side to side as he walked in. He had short, black hair, a short beard, and blue, icy eyes. Just like Devon’s. The outfit he was wearing wasn't that special. Just a plain gray T-shirt and dark blue jeans.

“Gather up what you need and say bye to Mom once you're done. We don't have enough time.” 

 Devon nodded, walking over to the kitchen counter to pick up a small green apple and plastic water bottle, then turned around to head to the living room where her mom was. Her mom was sitting on a gray couch, watching the news on the big TV in front of her. There was a wine glass in her hand, filled halfway with grape juice, as her dad called it. “Mom, we’re leaving.” 

No response.

Devon’s mom was a tall brunette, even taller than her dad. She wished that she could see her mom's face just so she could look into her eyes before she left, but at the same time, she didn’t. “Mom,” Devon spoke, this time a little louder. “we’re leaving. Just letting y-” 

“I know.” Her mom’s soft voice interrupted Devon, making her frown. “Enjoy your vacation, sweetpea.” The raven-haired teenager scoffed at the nickname, grabbing the dog plush from under her arm to hold onto it tightly. “Stop. Stop calling me that.” 

Again, no response. 

She didn't like it when her mom gave her the silent treatment. In fact, she didn't like it when anyone gave her the silent treatment. It, for some reason, got on her nerves. “Mom.” The brunette didn’t turn her head around to look at Devon, just stared straight ahead at the TV. She decided that she wasn't worth her time, and just turned around to look at her dad who was leaning against the doorway that led out of the house. She gave him a small nod, telling him that she was ready to go.

Ten minutes later they were both on the road in a red car.

Devon was staring dead-eyed out the window like she always did, watching as the cars beside them rushed through with ease. Devon’s dad was the one on the wheel, staring at the road in front of him intently. He eventually turned his head around to look at Devon, a small smile forming on his face. “So, are you excited for the vacation?” Her dad asked in a cheerful tone, making Devon roll her eyes. “Nope.” 

Her dad tilted his head. “Why not?”

Devon shrugged, still staring out the car window. “It's just… not exciting for me, I guess.” Her dad sighed, his eyes looking back at the road. “Look, I understand. Your mom has issues and you want to help her, but she has to deal with them by herself. There's nothing I can do-” Devon let out an exaggerated sigh, her eyelids drooping down. “Come on, Dad! I've heard this before. it's starting to get boring!” 

 She raised her arms in the air, waving them around with an annoyed expression on her face. “We can help her, you just don't want to. You just think it's better for her to get addicted to that smelly juice you call ‘grape juice’ instead of getting her the help she desperately needs.” She let her arms droop down to her sides, crossing them afterward. “You're a bad partner,” Devon paused, hesitating to say the next part out loud. “and a bad dad.”

Her dad didn't say anything in response.

The car was filled with utter silence, none of them talking for what felt like hours. Devon turned back around to look out the window again, not feeling any remorse for what she just said.

“I'm sorry.”

Her dad interrupted the silence, and the smile that used to be there turned into a frown of regret. Devon just shook her head, looking up from the window to look back at her dad again. “A sorry can't solve somebody's problems, Dad. Just get Mom some help instead of running away.” She muttered, taking another glance at her dad before looking up at the interior rearview mirror, staring into her own blue eyes. Her long, black hair was neatly brushed, her blue sweater and thigh highs were completely clean, with no holes or stains, and her shoes were all tied up. Just like it should be.

She stared into the mirror for a long period of time, trying to spot any flaws with her appearance until Devon looked away, concluding that she looked fine. She stuck her hand in her black handbag and brought out the green apple, trying to balance the round fruit on her fingers as she did so. Her dad nodded, that frown on his face was still there. “Alright. I’ll try. Once our vacation is over.” Devon nodded in response, her eyes only focused on the apple. 

The car was filled with silence once again. The only thing that made noise was the apple as it hit the car floor, making a soft thud every time it rolled off of Devon’s fingers. 

Seconds passed, then minutes.

Until an image of a black truck headed towards them appeared in the corner of Devon’s eye.

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