CHAPTER 5: Angelic Tea Party

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A sweet, yet overwhelming smell of tea and cupcakes invaded their nostrils, giving them a sense of… peace. The walls were covered with silky smooth white curtains, and the floor was tiled with shiny, white tiles. It seemed pretty peaceful already. The two teenagers were spawned in a hallway, the door that they had come through was behind them. 

Q turned the knob several times. 

It didn’t budge. 

The teenagers looked at each other and nodded. Their only focus right now was finding the creature that resided in this room and hopefully finding an exit or at least answers. Devon looked down at Q’s hand, which was still wrapped around hers. She didn’t mind. They were both in an unknown place, and what Mrs. Meadow said about the creatures frightened the two, so they both needed someone or something to hold onto for comfort.  

Besides, Q’s hand was warm and soft.

It felt nice.

“So,” Q started, noticing the awkward silence. “Do you want to continue or just sit here? I won’t mind if it's just us two.” Devon giggled at that comment, studying the hallway that led into another room ahead of them. “Let's continue, okay?” 

The two both took a step forward, making their way along the hallway as they both continued to hold each other's hands. Q seemed to notice the hand-holding, too but didn’t budge to say or do anything. 

 “So, um, is it just Q?” Devon asked.


“Your name, is it just Q, or do you have a full name?”

Q shrugged, looking at the shiny tiles on the floor. “I asked my parents that, and they just said they were too lazy to name me, so…” Q yawned into her free hand. “I guess Q is just my real name.” 

“Oh,” Devon muttered, the awkward silence returning. She wanted to know more about Q since they just met, but Devon wasn’t a conversation starter. She did, however, have one question on her mind, but she didn’t want Q to think too hard about it. It was a pretty sensitive topic. 

Maybe she could rephrase it in a much nicer way? 

Yeah, that could work. 

“How did you come here?” 

Devon immediately regretted saying that. 

Q pondered on the question. She still had that relaxed expression on that face ever since they first met, but she could secretly be writhing underneath that calm face of hers. 

“Um, well…”

Devon gulped.

“I don’t like thinking about it since it makes my head hurt, but I was hit in the head with something. I don’t know what, or who hit me.” Q looked into Devon’s eyes, noticing that scared, yet relieved look. “But it was probably one of my bullies on the baseball team-”

“You play baseball?!” Devon shouted, then quickly covered her mouth, signaling Q to continue with a quiet “sorry”. Q gave her a thumbs up as if accepting her apology before going back into thought again. That sweet, sweet silence returned. Devon stayed patient with her, waiting to see if she would even talk again. 

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