first day at poke University !!

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~~~~~~~~lets start ~~~~~~~

Dawn's p.o.v

As May sat beside me Mrs. Jonas said to me ," Miss Bertlíz, I request you to give a tour of this university to Miss Maple " .

"Sure mam " I said smiling.

" Ok let's start today's class. So today we are going to learn about......... "

Then the class went on .....

After class finished.....

"You've gotten your schedule right ,May ?? " I said to May .

"Yes " she replied.

"Cool then . Get ready for your tour" I said cheerfully.

May's p.o.v

After giving a tour of this university Dawn bid bye to me and went to her next class. I have history class now . I pulled out my schedule from my bag and saw where was my history class . I saw it's on 2nd floor and room no. 07 . I'm currently on 1st floor that's mean I've to climb those stairs to reach to my history class. I started climbing the stairs when I spotted a orange haired girl also climbing the stairs . She looked familiar from behind. I sped up pace to catch up to her . I was walking beside her when she turned towards me and I can sense that she was shocked and me too .

"May ?!" "Misty ?!" We both spoke at the same time .

"How've you been Misty ?" I asked her .

"I'm fine .what about you and when you joined this university?" She asked me .

" I'm fine too . And I joined this university today " I said to her .

"Ok. Let's meet up today at breaktime in the cafeteria." She said to me .


"Bye. I have class now ." She bid bye to me and left .

I also started walking towards my class when I spotted some girls crowding in front of a class . I could assume that they were fangirls of a boy as they were peeking inside the class and standing with gifts .

I ignored them and started going towards her class then when I noticed a black dressed figure to running towards me while looking behind and then ....


The guy bashed with me .

I felt pain in my back . The guy was hovering above me . I looked up to shout at the guy but I stopped when I saw his beautiful green emrald like dreamy eyes. I got lost in those emrald eyes for a second . Then I noticed that he was wearing a black mask and his emrald locks were hanging in front of his face . He looked so shocked . He got up and helped me to get up too .

"Sorry . I didn't mean to bump into you . I'm really sorry " he said in a rushing tone then ran upstairs without waiting for my reply.
Fortunately the hallway was empty where I was standing or I'll get embarassed infront of everyone.

I entered into my class.

The guy somehow looked familiar. It reminded me of a precious guy. I smiled at his thought.

Time skip 2 periods later ~~

Unknown guy's p.o.v

It can't be her . I think I'm dreaming. I think I'm thinking about her a lot lately that I'm seeing her in real life too. But still , I hope she is her . I hope I didn't see wrong . She looked very beautiful and damn those beautiful lips and ocean like eyes. It's been so long I've seen her . I hope she remembers me. Well I'm not that special person to her and why would she remember me , I'm her worst rival at all. Of course she will try to forget me . Silly me what am I thinking.

I was thinking about the girl while going to my classroom . When a raven haired guy approached me . Well one of my buddie .

" Hey Drew . Wazzup?" The Raven haired boy said to me .

" Everything's fine Ash . It's just my fangirls again tried to find me and they were in front of art class hoping that I would be there . But unfortunately I was in the math class . " I said chuckling to Ash.

" Yeah . I know right . My fangirls were trying to sneak inside the pool when I was swimming in my swimsuit with Misty " Ash Said.

" I think you should propose to Misty " I said smirking to Ash.

" Wh-what are you talking about Drew ?!!..I don't have any love feelings for Misty " Ash said blushingly.

" Ohk then... I'll tell Rudy to propose Misty. He seems interested in her after all ." I said smirking.

"Well why are you interfering in Misty's life . Did Misty tell you to set up her with someone " Ash said being annoyed by my comment .

"No but why it's bothering you Ashy boy " I said smirking.

"Whatever. I'm going to my class " he said pouting while going towards his class.

I chuckled at his cuteness ...well he looks so cute when he pouts.

Time skip at breaktime ~


I stood in the cafeteria stall line to get my lunch with Paul

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I stood in the cafeteria stall line to get my lunch with Paul . We were silently waiting in the line . I liked Paul's personality, he's silent and smart and don't interact with someone much . And straightforward guy . He didn't smile or talk much if it's not that important. When our turn came we ordered our lunch and came to our seat with the lunch where our friends sat . I sat in the middle of Alain and Paul .And infront of me there were Ash , Gary and Barry . They were talking non-stoply . When me, Paul and Alain were eating our food while listening their rubbish.

"Hey Drew!"

Somebody called my name and the voice was familiar to me . I turned around to face the person .

"What do you want Miette ?" I said .A bit of annoyance was showing in my voice.

" I think Brianna was in trouble and she needs your help " she said in a fake worried voice which I could assume .

"Why does she need my help ?"

" I've seen her talking to Mrs. Barclay today at her cabin . She looked sad and I've heard that she needed a partner who has a Roserade for a project."

"Where's she ?"

"In the basement maybe "

" Ok I'm going to her " I said and left the place .

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