The pick up

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Noah's POV
The guys and I were standing at the corner of a very quiet Washington street at 12am. We had just finished a show and needed to switch not only our manager, but our tour bus too...
Yeah, it's been a long night.

A few minutes later the bus pulls up, revealing our new manager

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A few minutes later the bus pulls up, revealing our new manager.
"My apologies boys for the delay, I'm Johnathan Sidney and in the bus is my daughter Eleanor. Please make yourselves at home." Johnathan welcomed us before stepping to the side for us to enter.

Nick and the rest of the guys step on first, making me the last one to enter. Once they finally made it in I stepped up and closed the door, "alright, that's everything " I said looking towards Jonathan, "Copy that, thank you Noah" he nods as I picked up my bag and slowly walked to the back of the bus. There was a room there that looked to be soundproof so I walked in there.

I tossed my bag to the side of the bed in the room and clasped on the bed from exhaustion. I was out within thirty seconds... well I thought I was until I felt a blanket being put over my body. I slowly opened my eyes and saw the cutest blue haired girl with glasses. "I'm so so sorry, did I wake you ?" She asked in a panicked voice.
"Nah, thanks ." I whispered in a raspy voice as she quickly stepped away from me. She must be Eleanor... Jonathan's daughter. I really don't remember anything after that cause I quickly fell back asleep.

I woke up to the guys eating cereal and bring louder than the circus this morning. I don't even need an alarm clock cause their so freakin loud !
I sat up and stretched my arms out before walking to the bathroom.

I slept away from everyone last night so that was great. I made it to the bathroom and opened the door the same time as the person from the other side did. It was Eleanor again,
"Morning Pretty lady" I smiled walking past her. "Hi." She shyly smiles, "So what's your name ?" I already knew but wanted to hear her answer. "Eleanor, most people like Ellie better though " she says pushing her glasses back up on her nose.
"Eleanor is just as beautiful " I said putting toothpaste on the brand new toothbrush in front of me. "You, your name ?" She mumbles. "Noah Sebastian, I happen to be the frontman of our band." I point to the guys sitting on the couches outside the bathroom. "Omens ?" She was adorable, "Bad omens, yeah " I nodded again as I put the toothbrush in my mouth.

"I don't how... you, you sing in front of the people. I'd be terrified " she says standing in the corner. "Mmhym, You have to get to a certain stage in order to feel confident in yourself. It took me a while. " I explain and spit out the toothpaste.

"Dad always said it wasn't real, like...
It was all a joke or something....
Never mind. " she shook her head in embarrassment. "Some people maybe, but the guys and I don't Roll that way . " I wasn't offended by her statement, but her father sounds like a b*tch sometimes. "Can I make you anything ?" She asked almost looking terrified, "Monster energy ?" I asked following her to the mini fridge.
"Um... oh no" she whispered looking behind the other drinks. "Which you don't have " I said looking behind her into the fridge. "I'm so sorry, Noah" she looked like she was gonna cry and I have no idea why. "Hey it's just a jacked up drink, don't worry about it" I patted her shoulders and walked towards the guys.

"You f*cking slept in the VIP room jack*ss!" Jolly smacked my arm as I sat beside him. "I so f*cking tired dude" I said pushing my short hair back. "We are too my friend " Nicholas pipes up. "Okay let's just get along " Nick says as he walks over to sit with us.

"I think we're doing great on this tour guys" Nick shoves his face with cereal and spoke at the same time. "Yeah, I agree Nick, especially you Noah." Jolly points towards me . "Thanks guys, without you I wouldn't be sitting here." They all nodded and started talking about the latest Mario bros games. I don't like video games so i got up and sat on the "VIP " bed.

I pulled out my notebook and started writing down lyrics to a song I'm trying to write when I saw Eleanor sitting in the corner of the bus. This girl was really pretty but what the f*ck is wrong with her ? She's always scared and so apologetic for things that don't even concern her. I got off the bed and walked over to her small figure.

I got on my knee and look into her wide eyes. "Eleanor ? You are so beautiful... so what the hell is wrong with you ?" I sounded harsher than intended but I had to know. "I'm sorry I- she was shacking now. "Come in here" I whispered and gently pulled her towards the VIP room. I closed the door and turned to her, "Please don't close the door " she was crying silently. "What's wrong with the door being closed ?" I asked calmly, "please Noah, I'm scared!' She started crying harder. I opened the door just a few inches as she wiped away her tears.
"Did you think I was gunna do something to you ?" I questioned as she stood in front of me . "My mom's boyfriend used to beat my brother and I... so I'm terrified of being alone with other men. It's not you Noah " she says walking towards me .

"I'm really sorry, I didn't- she wrapped her arms around my waist as I started to speak. "Sorry " she whispered and quickly walked out of the room . I didn't realize what she had been through and I felt horrible after that whole conversation . I think I might ask her to help me write the rest of the unfinished song so we can talk........

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