Bone X Reader (AIB)

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teehee i love how i pop out of nowhere >:3


I don't get it. I don't get anyone in here. What's with the hatred for Bone? It seems every time I ask someone about why hate on Bone, something else has to happen. Like right when their about to answer, an explosion or announcement or snything really, comez up. At this point I give up on asking.

It didnt bother me too much now. It's been like that forever.

..You've got to be shitting me.

I face palmed myself. How come I didn't think of this before? Gee im stupid then i thought I was.

"You okay there bud?" I looked up to see Nine. I smiled. "I'm alright, dont worry about me too much."
His expression switched back to normal. And by normal I mean his usual goofy face. "Alrighty then!" He ran off. Now where was I? Oh yea Bone

Man could be hiding anywhere in this yellow white-ish void. Doesn't help that he always distance himself too. I'm too tired to walk for miles anyway.

That is, until some bitch thought it'd be a great idea to push me.
"WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING YOU- oh" It was Bone. Oh jeez I scared the poor dude. He was on the ground covering his 'ears'

Silence. I inhaled and apologized. He accepted and was about to walk away but I immediately caught his arm. Woah. I.. actually didn't mean to do that. What was I gonna tell him? Shit right.

"Wait!" I shouted. When I grabbed his arm he tensed up. Well it makes sense. He doesn't get much physically touch, most of it is people pushing him or other bad shit to this poor dude.

"huh?" He also looked frightened. Fuck okay, gotta make this quick. "i gotta question" I answered, while letting go his arm. "Uhm, yea what is it?" I looked around my surroundings, to see if there was any possibility of anything happening and completely cut off our conversation.

"Do you know why everyone here hates you..?" His eyes widened, guess he didn't expect this question. Maybe I shouldn't have asked.. "Uhm- unfortunately, no. Kinda stupid right? Im supposed to know why but I dont." I blinked and just stood there. I.. didnt know what else to do, so I sat down and patted the space next to me to offer him to sit down with me, which he took.

"Why'd u ask anyway, O/N?"
"Because i genuinely wanna know why people despise you so much."
"Ah, wait so, you have disliked me at all or..?"

I looked up at him to see he was already making eye contact. Startled, he broke it. "I never had a reason to, no. You seem cool." I gave him a slight smiled. "Oh? I never thought you'd even acknowledge my existence." I cringed. "Oh, im sorry, honestly you somehow interested me." I smiled, it felt forced but i genuinely meant what i said.

He looked flustered, and mumbled a thank you and look away. The tension calmed down, as we were both on our own thoughts.

Bones POV:

'Woah, seems like they are taking a like for you huh?"
Him again? Wait, I thought he could only speak to me when he possesses me.
'yes, i can also speak through ur mind! Anywayz, mind if i take over for a bit? I think this conversation gotta go somewhere else, bud.'
'What? NO I THINK-'
It was too late tho, he already took over my body as i watched whats happening. I swear if he says anything embarrassing or stupid i will never show my face. Not that anyone will care anyway.

"So! Wanna be friends?" He said. I looked up to see his closed eye smile and his hand out for a hand shake. I giggled and shakes his hand.

"So you wanna draw with me? Or walk together? Im bored, but just happy your here with me!"

Bones POV:
Helping you, what else?
Oh shut it, now back off im tryna do smth here ya know

My eyes widen as to what he said, but i decided to ignored the comment to not make it awkward. "We can draw! Im a decent artist, atleast i think so."

"Im sure you're great!" He said as he pulled out his sketchbook. Now i just gotta think of what to draw..

2nd POV?:

While you were lost in thought, Red Eyes took this advantage to let Bone take over his own body, and possibly have a talk. (btw bold text is bone and italic is red eyes)

Finally, dont do that again!
whatever man, good luck tho

Bone groaned, which made u snap out of ur thoughts. "Everything okay Bone?" He looked up at you, smiled and gave u a thumbs up.


After all that, you and Bone started to hang out more often and learn more shit about each other, with red eyes possessing then and there. But do you notice? Ofc not! Ur not special Y/N (/lh). Seriously tho since the rest of the aib characters (excluding telescope,) dont notice, ur not gonna notice it either.
Also I might make diff parts for this one bc why not!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2023 ⏰

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