Jared: You make me happy

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You swung your feet back and forth as you sat
there waiting. Clutching your Starbucks coffee, you looked around. A few people gave you smiles and waves, which of course you returned the gesture.

You pressed the home button on your black iPhone to see the white numbers across the screen light up. Only 15 minutes.

God, it had been around 2 months since you last saw him. Conventions were usually every other weekend, but they had 2 in a row. Between filming and conventions, there was no time to see him.

Y'all usually FaceTimed every night unless it was a con weekend but you can only take so much of seeing him through a screen.

"Y/n Padalecki?" You turned your head at the sound of your name. A small teenager sat 2 seats down from you, staring with excitement. She had on an army green jacket with a whit t-shirt.

She was listening to music but had pulled her headphone to lye on around her neck as she looked at you.

"Oh my gosh! It is you!" She said quietly but still shocked. You smiled at the young girl. "Hi! How are you?" You asked politely. The girl looked like she was about to burst with joy.

"So much better now that I see you! Wow I am a big fan, not only your husband but you. I loved you in Greys Anatomy! You are such an...an inspiration!"

You were full on blushing by the end of it. "Aw thank you so much Sweetheart. Where are you headed?" You asked sipping your coffee.

She pulled her headphones from her neck. "I'm going to Nashville to visit my dad. My parents are divorced so I just fly alone." She replied getting quieter.

You looked at her sadly. "I'm sorry hun. I hope you're doing good. And have a good flight." You pointed to the plane that was now boarding.

"Oh!" She exclaimed grabbing her things. "Wait, do you mind if we get a picture?" She asked hopeful.

You smiled warmly. "Of course!" You got down to her for the selfie. "Thank you!" She replied, you pulled her in for a hug and wished her safe travels as she boarded her flight.

"Well, that was awfully kind of you." An all too familiar voice purred in your ear. You swung your body around to see Jared standing there.

"Jare!" You yelped jumping into his arms.

He hugged you tightly, refusing to let you go.

He pulled away to grab your face, "I have been waiting for months to hug you again, babe." He smiled kissing you again.

"I love you, so much." You replied,smiling against his lips. You jumped down from his arms and began waking to the car with his arm around your waist.

He pulled his white beanie off and pulled it over your head, smiling as it fell over your eyes.

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