(Trigger Warning for this as well!! :^[)
"Si-I-iR, Got thiSS intrud-DEERR-RR"
A Phone had walked into a room, it was large, but Cobs had worked hard on making them better...Not bendy, not easily breakable. The MePhone was holding a blood stained figure, unmoving.
"Ah, wonderful. Thank you. Leave them right here."
The voice turned, it was Steve Cobs. He had asked for the MePhone to place the blood stained figure, onto the table infront of him. He had looked intently at the Figure before turning away, thinking.
The figure, was Paper. Unbreathing, Unmoving, Blood soaked and possibly dead. Well, thats what Fan--Or Cobs thought, until a dangerously shallow breath came from Paper. When i say Dangerously--I MEAN dangerously. Steve Cobs turns back to the figure, who's eyes had slighlty opened, shallow breathing being gasped. Fighting for life.
Cobs had let out a small smile.
"Hello, I am presuming you are Paper, i've seen quite the most about you."
Cobs had said, to this basically husk of a Person. Paper turned his head as much as he could with the strength he had left, opened his mouth slightly to say something, before coughing up a bit of blood, and gasping for a string of air, if any could get to his lungs.
Cobs smiled at the sight, He has always been a fan of Anthropology, studying the ways these objects lived and stayed alive--trying to encorporate that with HIS creations, the MePhones most specifically. Paper had let out another gasp for air, before Cobs spoke once again
"Your condition seems fatal, if not treated properly, and even then you might die. You could..use my help."
Paper turns his head again, gasping for another string of air, again. Holding on for dear life. Paper would have protested, but seeing as his condition is inevitably fatal either way, he doesnt, he just lies there, trying to get air like a fish trying to get back into the water. Cobs chuckled slightly, before putting his hands together
"I'll take that as a yes, you will take my help. We'll discuss fees and all of that when your condition is...Better."
Paper didnt like the thought of Cobs, out of ANYONE, helping him in this problem. But what was he to do? Get up and run away? Unlikely. Cobs snapped and a MePhone had picked paper back up a bit harshly, cutting off all air for a few a seconds, before he could get another breath of air.
The MePhone took him to a room, Cobs following behind, and then closed the door.
"There, you should be better now."
It has been awhile. Its unknown how long, but it might of been hours, it sure felt like it.
Paper could actually breath properly, walk, move, think, and wasnt drenched in blood anymore. He stretched out his arm, feeling his body, it felt more bumpy and robotic, but thats the punishment for having Cobs of all people help you with almost dying.
Paper breathed in and out, and laughed happily slightly, before looking at Cobs, and looked back down immediately.
"...Not even a thank you? Jeez, you objects these days are impolite."
Steve Cobs turned and exited the room, Paper toom that oppurtunity to also leave the room, walk around, and actually feel ALIVE, and not in constant state of pain and shallowest breathing as to not shock the body into death.
"Now, Lets Negotiate some ways you could repay me back. Sit down, this'll take some convincing."
Cobs tapped on the table and Paper reluctantly sat down, and they conversed,
they were as civil as you could negotiating this Fee for this act of "kindness"
They eventually reached a compromise, and Paper left the room, wiping his eyes immediately as he turned away from Cobs.
This would have to be the worst thing he would ever have to do to repay someone.
But hes willingly going with it.
Afterall, its life or death.
Somethings Wrong. || Inanimate Insanity AU(?)
AdventureTWS/CWS: Gun mention, Character Death. If you do not like these topics, please dont read!!! Various characters of Inanimate Insanity have been getting severely sick, and it's fans duty to figure out why. these characters are having drastically diff...