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Peter plopped down on a seat, pressing buttons. "Come on, not now." He yanked back a lever looking thing. "The system is back on, but the ship doesn't react." Mera sat down on the other chair, looking through the menu on the see-through monitor. She pressed some buttons. The engine booted up. Clapping her hands together, she looked at him. His eyes fixated on her, he shook his head. "How did you do that?", he asked. "I pressed the engine on button." "There's no such thing." She laughed. "You've been flying this for how long?" She wasn't sure but there was a glimpse of a smirk forming on his full lips. "Apparently not long enough." Jamey hurried into the room, sweat built up on his forehead. "Wherever you two are deciding to go, I won't come with you. But you owe me big time for fixing this." "But wait, what if we crash again? We need someone like you." "Woah, we? I didn't even agree on keeping you here." Mera looked at Peter. "You not responding was an answer." "No, it wasn't. Also, I got interrupted." She furrowed her brows. "You couldn't start your ship without me. How can I trust you on not dying out there?" He huffed. "I've known you for two hours, at best, and you pretend you can control this ship?" "Why, yes I think I can." "You two are a disaster. I don't think I can hold out with you for one more minute", Jamey groaned, making his way to the door. "See what you did?" She turned back to Peter. "Me? You're obviously the obnoxious one." He quickly flipped some switches and once again yanked back the lever. "At least I can fly this thing", he mumbled. Mera shot her eyes at him. "Maybe we shouldn't start this journey with a fight." He nodded. "I agree. If I have to hold out with you, at least we should get to know each other." She breathed in sharp as they whooshed past another spaceship. "Do you think they caught wind of you trying to find the artifact?" The worried look on his face answered her question. "I see. Any genius idea how we can get rid of them?" His lips formed a thin line as he maneuvered them through a formation of ships. Looking around, Mera tried to think of something. "How many jumps until the nearest planet?", he suddenly asked. She looked at the monitor. "Three jumps." He grunted. "I hope that your friend actually fixed the ship and didn't just tape cords together." She didn't know what to answer.

After they made it safely to the nearest planet, she huffed out a breath. "This was definitely a crazy ride." Peter stepped around the ship, taking a good look at it. "What are you looking for?" "Any damages. We still got a far way to go and I can't afford the ship giving up in the middle of space." Mera felt goosebumps on her body. As if it was a minor thing she could forget easily, her eyes shot up, staring at the strange sky. Giant planets showed through the atmosphere. The air was thinner and gravity almost nonexistent. Peter yanked the red jacket over his broad shoulders and walked back into the ship. "You don't want to explore?", Mera asked, quickly following him. "What is there to explore? It's a planet full of nature." He plopped down in his chair and checked the system. When she stood beside him she leaned down to his ear. "It's a planet full of nature", she whispered. She sat down in the chair next to Peter, eyeing him. "Imagine what creatures we could find. Maybe there's some undiscovered ones." He chewed on his bottom lip. "Fine. But you need protection." Mera jumped up. Together they entered a storage compartment. Peter opened a closet with equipment including guns of all kinds, bullets, a staff of sorts, and a helmet. "It's not that much. But for now it will be enough for us." He handed her a belt with pockets to store bullets and guns. After she tightened it around he waist, he gave her two guns. "Please, be careful with these." "I will be." Back in the control room he turned off the engine and looked at her. "Ready?" She nodded, grinning.

The Prophecies: An Artifact AwakesWhere stories live. Discover now