A war begins

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Giant trees formed a path towards a larger part of the area. "I just really hope we're not lost", Mera grumbled. "We're not lost. Just confused. Maybe." Some pink flowers spread their petals, radiating off a soft scent. Mera tried to remember what it was but couldn't name it. A small animal rushed past the two. "I wonder what that was." Peter pushed on forward until they reached a willow tree. Under it, spreading across a large field of a variety of flowers. Mera knelt down to see a puddle of turquoise water. "This seems too good to be true", Peter mumbled. "Do you think this isn't real?" He shrugged and walked closer to the willow. She followed up quickly, looking around. The tendrils swayed in the wind. Mera ran her fingertips across the leaves. A stinging sensation rushed from her fingers into her wrist. Breathing in sharp air, she yanked her hand back. "Better not touch the leaves." From further away they heard a cracking sound. "We're definitely not alone", he commented. A big bird with six eyes and no feathers landed in front of them. On it a creature in green armor. "Peter, what is that?" "I wish I knew." The creature disappeared with the bird. "I don't think it noticed us." Huffing out a breath, she continued down her initial path. After a while they reached a cliff. "Can we take a break? It's almost sundown and we've been walking for the whole time", Mera grumbled, plopping down on a rock. He joined her. "This planet seems too empty." "Maybe there's just not enough big creatures to be seen. Or we need to go to the other side of it." He nodded.

The sun went down too fast. The willow tree was glowing a bright green, small glowing creatures flying around it. The wings spanned about one finger. "Or we just needed to wait until night", Peter whispered, holding one of the creatures on his hands. Mera stepped closer. "And you never explore? You're missing out on so much. You wouldn't have seen these." He nodded. "I have to admit, I probably should explore more." They sat down into the grass, watching them fly around the tree. 

Time had passed. Something moved in the shadows of the trees. The two jumped up. "Something is definitely watching us", Mera whispered. More and more shadows appeared. He slowly pulled out one of his guns, scanning his surroundings. She followed his lead. "I'm not sure about this anymore", Peter whispered. "Maybe we should just make our way back to the ship", Mera responded, the grip on her weapon tight. "Yes, let's do that." As they were slowly backing up, the ground started shaking. "Run", Peter shouted, gripping her wrist, pulling her back to the path beneath the trees. Something came running after them and it was massive. Mera looked behind her. It was a creature with fur, that much she was able to pick up. And it had a giant mouth. "Peter, I'm not sure if we can outrun it", she exclaimed, looking into his direction. "It's a distraction", he responded, ignoring her. "What?" He opened the door to the ship and pulled her in. "They're here. They knew where we were going." He ran to the console, quickly turning on everything. Mera joined him, staring at the creature that didn't move anymore. "This is not real. They want us to think that." She rubbed her temples. It was hard for her to take it all in. "But why?" "They wanted to lure us back here." "We're defenseless here. We got no allies, it's just us." He nodded. "But why are they after the artifact? What even is so dangerous that you risk your life for it?" Peter's brows furrowed. "Please, not now. First, I need to get us to safety somehow." As the ship was lifted in the air by the loud turbines under each wing, a hundred ships appeared around them. Mera leaned backwards. Peter sighed and shook his head. "This isn't them, though." She lifted her eyebrows. "Then who is it?" "I don't know." She stood up, walking back and forth. "So, this artifact, which you won't even tell me what it is, is in the hands of someone that could destroy the universe. And you're telling me that the rest of the universe is after us because they think we already retrieved it? I'd say our outlook on survival is pretty grim." He gritted his teeth. "I did retrieve it." "But why wouldn't you just tell me that? All we have to do is somehow get out of this situation and then bring the artifact into safe hands." He sighed and rubbed his eyes with his fingers. "I doubt that it will ever be safe." "But who are you getting it for then?" "You're asking too many questions, Mera. Way too many." "I'm sorry. I just would like to understand." He pulled up the ship, making her fall. "You could have warned me." Rubbing her head, she waited until the ship was back in the horizontal to stand up. The unknown frightened Mera more than she liked to admit. There was a reason she decided to go with a total stranger. But she couldn't remember what. Fragments of memories pushed into her consciousness but they made no sense. Quickly, she sat back down into her chair, put on the safety belts and watched the monitor. Peter tried his best to avoid the enemies but occasionally a bullet hit them. "If you go through the nebula storm to our right, we can distract them. There's a planet one jump away from us." "I'm not sure it's safe to go through there." "We have no choice, Peter." He let out a sigh and steered towards the colorful scenery. Mera chewed on her bottom lip, praying it wasn't wrong to tell him that. She gave him a countdown on when to jump. His thumb hovered over a button. "Now", she exclaimed. In almost a blink of an eye they were close to a planet. The nebula and enemies gone. Letting out a relieved breath, Mera ran a hand through her hair. The knot in her stomach was gone instantly and she couldn't help but feel calm. "I'll put the ship on autopilot. I need some rest", Peter commented, stretching his limbs. "Will you show me where I can sleep?" He nodded and walked through the slim hallway. "Here. It's next to mine, so should you need anything, don't wake me up." She rolled her eyes but was too far on edge to give back a witty remark.

Night fell upon them quickly. Mera lay in her bed, listening to music and staring at the ceiling. The bits and pieces she's seen of memories, unknown to her, could give her no rest. It was too difficult to piece together what they were trying to tell her. As she finally drifted into sleep, a loud bang pulled her straight out of it. Peter and her met in the hallway. "This artifact better be worth it", Mera mumbled. Peter looked at her for a moment, as if deciding if he should agree or not. "I hope so too", he responded. For a moment she had the hope that he would actually give her information on that artifact. "Why give your life for it anyway?", she asked, checking the radar. "Because I care about the universe's life. I can't just let anyone get it into their hands. It is the safest with me until I decide what to do with it." Mera eyed him, unsure how to feel. "So, you're telling me, this artifact is actually with us right now. And one wrong move could activate it?" He shook his head. "To activate it it takes a lot more than touching it wrong or dropping it. This artifact has been manufactured billions if not trillions of years ago by a handful of monks that believed it would protect them from any harm that may come their way. Those monks lost their lives protecting it." "Monks", Mera repeated apathetically, staring at a spot on the floor. More pictures pushed into her head. "I believe there has been a book or something explaining how to activate it." He looked out of the window. "I'm sure it will be fine. If you protect it, so will I." She stepped next to him. "After all, we're saving the whole ass universe. How cool is that?" A smile flashed on his face. "Seems like everything's calm. Let's just get to sleep." He nodded and activated the invisibility shield. "I didn't know it had that. Why didn't you use it earlier?" "Because there was no use. They saw us already anyway." Mera nodded. "I'll see you in the morning", she said, letting out a long yawn. Peter gave her a short nod with the head and sighed. "This god damn artifact might actually cost me my life."

A/N: I actually tried to make it a bit longer this time lol. I'm not sure when I will post the next chapter since it's hard to think up things currently. But hope you enjoyed! Xoxo

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