1. a return

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it all felt like a dream for misae nohara. but it wasn't. it was the reality. it's been almost ten years since she lost her son, since shinnosuke nohara ran away from home.

it would've been an understatement to say it was hard for her. it was worse. hiroshi nohara and himawari nohara was worried a lot and gone through a lot to prevent misae going insane. after all, she's a mother.

every night she'd put her head on her husband's shoulders and cry, "if I wasn't that harsh to him that night, maybe he'd have stayed." tears never left her eyes. well for a few years.

some days she'd cry a lot and say, "my child had short and black hair. he was so cute. his big eyes always filled with mischief. he'd always make havoc in the house. the house felt so disturbed unlike its now. why would he even leave hearing my scoldings? I was just blurting out while angry. I didn't mean- t-them."  himawari would suppress her tears Infront of her parents and comfort misae.

even though they fight all day, himawari loved her brother like no one else. misae cried herself to sleep and couldn't even get herself to smile.

slowly she started getting better, trying to move on but only to an extent. she always waited for her son to come back home, along with his father and sister.

memories from the last argument never left her mind.

"for the last time shinchan. couldn't you just be a normal school going student? why can't you do your homeworks and concentrate in class? why are you such a troublemaker?"

"I don't even do that much at school. I'm not a troublemaker."

"ohho is it? how many times you've  got detentions? how many times were you suspended? still you say you aren't a troublemaker? quit doing those actions Infront of the mirror and do your works! himawari studies well, why can't you? even kazama! learn from that boy. he's so polite and wise. Nene studies well too! learn from your friends!"

"mom, studies ain't my thing. I feel like I have a goal. I want to achieve it." he said while flexing himself Infront of the mirror.

"you idiot! what kind of goal? what do you mean studies aint your thing? do you know how much money is invested in your studies?"

"you care only about the money..."

"yes I couldn't care about anything else. you're such a disgrace. better if you just GET OUT."

misae lost her patience.
atlast she just wanted him to understand and be a good student. but it was enough to hurt shinchan. he knew his dreams won't be achieved if he stayed. he left that night after everyone was asleep.

they thought he'd have stayed at one of his friends' place and return the next day. but he didn't. Kazama, Masao, Suzuki Bo and Nene told shinchan never turned up to their house. even Ai Chan contacted misae and told she also didn't see him.

hiroshi contacted their family members and they also didn't know anything about shinchan. it felt like a dead end. that's how, the 14 year old boy, left them. his friends missed him too, especially kazama. no one knew, kazama and shinchan were secretly in love. shinchan left him without another word.

one day, musae, misae's sister, called home.

misae received the call.


"hello misae!" an excited voice came.

"musae it's you?" she replied, not that into the conversation.

"why do you sound so sad? haven't seen the television yet? the fashion channel?"

"yeah yeah. the one where you display your photos of models. what's so special?"

"the hidden model of past seven years is revealed!!"

"what's so exciting about that? you sound so happy."

"well you should be too! go. and. check. the. channel."

the call ended. misae sighed. what's so special about it now?
she nevertheless turned on the tv. her eyes felt like deceiving for a moment. she had to double check if she was seeing her own son. yes, the display name really read SHINNOSUKE NOHARA, MODEL, 24YEARS OLD.

he looked handsome, more like his dad, but with long hair. his dark black eyes glistening. he was a famous person there. misae had never bothered to check tv channels about fashion. he was totally a supermodel. he remained his face hidden, but acted in advertisements where only hand models, feet models and similar people were necessary.

his smile was something no one can take their eyes off. misae's fourteen year old boy, ten years later, grew to be a handsome and successful model. 

the interviewer asked, while shinchan was posing for the photo, gliding his body with the long french cloak and suit he was wearing.
"and what would be the last words you can say as this interview comes to an end?"

shinchan smiled to himself. he took a deep breath and answered, "I love you mom, I've achieved my dream. thank you! I'll be coming home soon."

misae cried and cried and cried. more hopeful that he's coming home. she rushed to the phone and dialled hiroshi as himawari is at school.

"hello, hiroshi nohara here."

"h-harry! o-our son!"

"misae! Are you okay? what happened? our son?"

"yes harry! I'm okay and so happy! our son is coming home! "

she couldn't put her happiness into words for hiroshi.

he's , after ten years, coming home!

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